"I am so sorry". She said really quickly.

"No need. I am still getting used to this to". I started packing again. I found what clothes in a cabin. When i had everything packed I walked to Lauren. Who was to my surprise also packing.

"Hey love why are you packing" I asked. Lauren pulled me in. The next thing I knew Lauren and I were making out. She pulled away.

"You don't know how long I wanted you to say that". I smiled.

Lauren, Dani and I walked out of the hospital. I saw flashing lights everywhere. Everyone yelled questions at me. Normally I would stand still and answer butt, the only thing on my mind right now was bringing Lauren. The second I thought of that I remembered that I don't have a home right now. I dropped my back on the concrete. Stopping and crawling into a bowl. Lauren and Dani looked at me.

"Dani"? I asked.

"Yes"? She responded.

"How did you came here"? She looked at me with a smile.

"Well there are 2 cars". I first looked confused butt i saw my jeep and smiled.

"Dani do you mind if I take Lauren to catch up a little". Dani smiled and threw me the keys. I don't know how I am going to drive or even sit in this thing. My back hurt so much I started shaking. Lauren grabbed my hand letting me touch her warm soft hands. She grabbed the keys and opened the door for me.

"Thanks Love". I said while she helped me.  When I finally sat where I was comfortable Lauren started the car and drove off.

"It's actually crazy don't you think". I looked at Lauren. "Take a right here". I said to her.

"What so crazy". She said while taking the turn.

"Well, I have been awake for I think 3 hours and I am already out of the hospital. And the most crazy thing of all is you still Love me afther everything". She tried to look at me.

"Why would I stop loving you. You are the best thing that have ever happened to me". I wanted to kiss her but I could not move. "I love you". She said.

"I love you more than you know". I whispered with my head looking down.

I told Lauren where to go and she followed my directions. We came to a big hill with an mansion. I told Lauren where to park. I opened the door of the car and almost fell out. Lauren ran to me and helped me up. I walked to the door.

"What do you want to do here" she asked and looked trough the window.

"Life I guess". I unlocked to door with a password. The door opened. I walked in and got straight to the kitchen. I really hoped there was food here. I opened the fridge nothing. I opened a couple of cabins nothing. I heard foot steps behind me.

"Babe don't you need you're back cleaned. At least I thought that were doctors order". Lauren smiled at me.

"How could I lie to that face. How can you be so beautiful". She smiled and kissed me.

I took of my t-shirt and let my bare back touch the wind. I heard Lauren gasping behind me. I turned around and tried to hug her.

"Ouch, I have to get used to that". Lauren took a picture for me so I could see how bad it looked. It looked like my back came from hell twice. It was red and some part were black. Lauren wiped it with a cleaning wipe. And she put some sort of cream on there.

"Lauren". I said standing straight up. I didn't felt me back anymore so that was nice.

"Yes, Y/N". She said and pecked my lips.

"Ouhh I missed your kisses". She kissed me again. She tried to deepen the kiss more. I heard a phone going off in one off the bags we got from the hospital. I walked over to the bags and opened the one that was going off.  I found my phone. I had 10 thousand missed text. 40 million missed Instagram notification. And I didn't want to look anymore. I found it rare that it could still turn on.

"Hey Love". Lauren looked at me. "I think we schould make a video and explain some stuff". She nodded and walked over to me. I put my hands on her waist and brought her close for a good hug.

"I missed you". She whispered. I kissed the top off her head.

"You don't even want to know how much I missed you". I said and pulled out of the hug. She pecked my lips before I grabbed the camera. When I was done setting up everything thing I started recording.

"So it has been a while". I started. I didn't even had a plan from where to start. " I don't even know where to begin". I paused. " so that night. I had a fight with my sister. Because she did something that was out off order. I don't want to expose me sister or anything. She needs to say this shit herself. Butt after the fight Alec had left. I walked home with Lauren. We went from the Cimorelli house to mine witch is 30 meter away. I heard something ticking and as we walked further it became louder and faster. After a second I saw a big explosion. I pushed Lauren on the ground and jumped on top of her to protect her. My back burned and Lauren her hand burned." I looked around for Lauren.

"LOVE" i yelled. Lauren came sitting on my lap.

"Can you show them your hand"? I asked her. She first looked at her hand and then she showed it. It wasn't that bad butt you could see it from a distance.

"So yeah guys. I think i laid in the hospital for a week. And for now I hope you guys will understand that for I think a while I am going to lay low. I want to my back to heal properly and to get my life back because I feel like I lost it a little. I want to thank you all for your kind messages I get from everyone. I hope Y'all understand. So I guess bye for now. And don't panic I will be back soon". I said and looked at Lauren. I kissed her and then stopped the camera.

"I love you". I said when I walked to the love off my life. I kissed her with all the love I could give.

"I-love-you-too". She said between the kiss.

So yeah that happened. Thank you all for your patience. And specially thank you for the ones who sent gett well soon text. Let me know what you think in the comments. Please vote. Bye

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