Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"I love you... No, hmm... I am so in love with you... We're soul mates! Dang, that's so cliche" Ashton rubbed his tired eyes. He was turning fifteen in a few months. His best friend just turned fourteen. He was cursed with the illness known as "young love". He wanted to express it. He had no idea how to. He knew that what his parents called "love" was a lie. Their relationship was built on dependency. Ashton's mother couldn't live without Ashton's father's money.

  So they took the abuse, wiped away the evidence, and lived their lives. Some days were harder than others. Ashton's wrists were still proof of that. Despite Calum trying to help him, it was useless. Some days he wanted to give up. His depressive thoughts were so intrusive and nearly impossible to fight when they all came down at once.

  A knock on his window startled the shaggy haired boy. He turned and saw Calum standing there with a smile on his face.

  Opening the window, the boy slid through, thankful that he was small enough to fit.

  "Hey Ash!" Calum revealed a stack of comic books. "My mom's shop had extra so I thought I'd bring you some!"

  "Thanks!" Ashton watched as Calum set the comics on his desk. He felt bad that his room was such a wreck. He had clothes all over the floor, books thrown in corners, his bed had food wrappers and his homework on top of it.

  "You Irwin's never were the cleanest of people". Calum chuckled, sitting in the desk chair.

  "You didn't just come for comics, did you?" Ashton asked suddenly.

  "No, I didn't... Ash... Please do it? I'll help you." Calum begged.

  Ashton furiously shook his head, "I can't. I'll get caught."

  "But if you don't you'll be stuck here for so long".

  "I can't leave my mom." His eyes grew watery. Of course he wanted to leave his situation, but he was terrified.

  "Run away, Ashton. It's the only option you have. If you don't change anything, nothing will change".

  "You and your positive psychology..." He muttered sadly, "I'm not brave enough".

  "But you are, Ashton."

  "Calum, I'm in love with you." Blurted the older boy.

  "Then do this for me," pleaded Calum.

  "I-i can't. Go home, Cal". The Raven haired boy sighed, but he left out the window just like Ashton wanted. He always did what Ashton wanted. He was cursed with loving that boy so much that it physically hurt sometimes.

  * * *

  "Ooh, Ashton! He's so cute!" Luke begged, adoring the sheep dog in the kennel. Ashton caved and took him to the animal shelter.

  "He is cute," agreed Ashton, "but isn't he a bit big?"

  Luke shook his head, no dog was too big for him.

  "For your sake, he better be potty trained or you're cleaning up his mess".

  "Thank you!" Luke turned around and hugged Ashton so quickly he could hardly process what was happening.

  Ashton hummed, "you're welcome".

  And that was how a humungous sheep dog named Heath ended up driving home with them. The dog nudged Luke's leg for attention. He gladly complied as he patted the dog's head.

  The blonde bought all of the necessary items for Heath and set them by the back door. He couldn't believe Ashton let him pick out the dog. He was thankful that Ashton owned a large back yard that he could take Heath out in. Both Luke and Heath ended up running around outside until late in the evening when they were worn down.

  "How cute," laughed Ashton. He sat across from Luke at the dinner table. With the newfound friend, Luke wondered if he could get away with sneaking Heath some of his dinner. It would solve a lot of his problems. "You're gonna have to teach him not to beg". Ashton noted as the dog placed his head on the older man's lap and gave him the one and only puppy dog eyes.

  * * *

  And then everything changed. It made no sense. They called it Domestic Abuse. The police paced around him, buzzing through the station. Ashton's mother sat by him crying. They took Ashton's dad.

  "How did this happen?" She cried to herself. Ashton had an idea. He hoped Calum would never do it, but he did. He called the police. Ashton sat by his mom, wondering if Calum realized what he did.

  "This is my fault. I never should have met Calum Hood". Ashton thought to himself as he waited at the police station with his mother.





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