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The Eldians shoved their viscous fingers to her temples and pressed deep into her skull.

"With only two of us, this will be more uncomfortable than usual," said one of the creatures, digging through her skin. "We apologize."

She held still, though the penetrating feeling brought bile to her throat and made her legs wobbly. But she had to ease her thoughts, keep her mind clear for this to work. And she wanted it to work; for them to see the truth at last.

I mean no harm.

Fright bubbled in her gut as their powers flowed through her. They flipped through her thoughts and memories like a picture book, analyzing her moments with the Impians, reviewing every word exchanged. They perused every emotion stored within her heart; all her anguish, anger, absolute fear of the bomb. And her horror at the idea of losing Valnia... at the idea of failing her.

She tried her best not to fidget as their fingers tingled in her brain, flashing images of the bomb she believed the Impians had implanted in her abdomen. Worry washed over her and she shook, envisioning herself exploding, killing the recruits, blood spraying the crystal walls of the tunnel.

No... I don't want this, I'm scared of it! Scared of it!

She saw the Lair in flames, crystals melting, surviving recruits rushing up the tunnel, begging for their lives, clothes torn, flesh burning off their legs and arms and chests.

I'm not a rebel! I don't want this!

Her sister's lifeless corpse on the ground, eyes open and blank, white like milk.

No! I don't want her to die! Stop!

A sharp pain in her temples began as the pressure released. The Monsters retracted their fingers, and she opened her eyes, blinking. "Uh... did I pass?"

The Monsters' beady, shiny eyes were indecipherable as they exchanged a glance, then gawked at her. "Come," said the first, gesturing at Melaynia to return the way they'd come.

What did it mean? Had she not succeeded in convincing them? Did they consider her a traitor? Or did they understand the visions were not her desires, but her deepest apprehensions?

She obeyed, marching after them as they crept along the walls, their bodies molding into the soil. They were fast, and she had to run to keep up; but she was breathless, exhausted from the procedure.

What happened next? She hadn't blown up, meaning they were right—there was no bomb in her. So would they lock her up? Torture her? Murder her?

Tears threatened to pour from her lash-line as they arrived at the tunnel's entrance, and three human silhouettes awaited. At the sound of her steps, they swirled around and their eyebrows lifted as they watched her arrive.

Would the Monsters end her here, in front of those she cared about?

Valnia waved at her to join them, but Melaynia's limbs wouldn't cooperate, wouldn't carry her over.

The Eldians took shape on either side of her as she stopped, a few feet from the three who had rescued her from the Forbidden Side.

Here it was; the moment of truth. A punishment? Prison? Death—for real, this time?

Lexa strode forward. "What was the outcome, sirs?" She was calm, but a slight tremble in her tone showed even she wasn't sure what they were thinking.

One Monster sighed. "No bombs in number two-hundred. Not a trace. We discovered some diluted poison that weakened her, but that's all."

Valnia and Wylan both slumped, relief washing over their features. But Melaynia yearned to shake her head, to remind them this wasn't over yet.

They've yet to inform you how I saw you all dead in my thoughts.

The other Monster slid backwards. "She wasn't lying. She... never lied. Melaynia believed she had been contaminated, and from the beginning. All she wanted was to spare us. The bomb and its effects frightened her, and she never once thought of herself."

Melaynia glimpsed the Eldian and squinted. "Huh?"

Valnia beamed, eyes sparkling with pride as she took Wylan's hand. Lexa nodded.

"And we saw her fears. The Impians scarred her so much that she worries we'll all die because of her. She feels responsible for all that has occurred, and is willing to take risks, make sacrifices to change that." The first Monster's eyes swerved to Melaynia, and her jaw dropped as she fixated him. "The distraction she unwillingly caused wounds her, but... this situation will be rectified. Number two-hundred, thanks to you, we have figured this out faster than our siblings expected us to."

"Th-thanks to me?" Melaynia's lungs squeezed. She should have been reassured, should have jumped for joy; but something wasn't right.

Lexa uncrossed her arms; only she remained stoic, as if internally agreeing with Melaynia. "What are you saying?"

"Mel, come here," said Valnia, urging Melaynia to join her. And she did, this time, but not without her belly bubbling and dizziness draping over her. She landed in Valnia's arms. "This is good, this is good," the elder sibling whispered.

"What we're saying, Lexa, is that we must hurry to join the others," said the second Monster, his tone turning stern. "The Impians... they didn't expect we'd use the procedure, we're sure. But we did, and we have the truth. We saw it all through Melaynia's eyes... and it's imperative that we stop those culprits. As soon as possible."

The first Eldian slid by them, headed to the opposing wall; Melaynia assumed the main tunnel was on its other side. "There's a slither of time left. Our priority is getting through their field of protection to stop them. So we'll communicate with the Attendant at HQ, ensure he sends crystal messages to remaining recruits outside. Have them on the alert, ready to attack. As for us," he motioned for his sibling to follow, "we're joining the digging. We must concentrate our forces there. It leads to their Monster Island, and... the enchantments are yielding. So let us get to work."

"Wait, you..." Melaynia stirred in her sister's arms. "You want me there? You want my help?"

"We want everyone's help, number two-hundred." The Monster whooshed around, its gaze glassy and glowing as it proceeded to blend into the facade. "Four extra sets of arms will do wonders. There are weapons down there, so hurry."

Valnia pulled Melaynia along, but the latter refused to move. "But I'm... too frail, remember? And I've done too much damage, the other Monsters hate me, the recruits can't stand me..."

Everyone glowered at her, irritated by her delay. "Mel, come on, you're forgiven," muttered Valnia, seeking to haul her sister from where she'd rooted to the spot.

The second Monster swished by, its lumpy, damp arm pressing Melaynia forward—and moving her with its strength. "You've been essential from the start, Melaynia. Despite your rebellion. You provided us with intelligence we needed confirmation of, though your methods were... uncalled for. Yes, you disobeyed. But you have proved your worth. Your allegiance. Number two-hundred... you are one of us. You're not a rebel."


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