Chapter 21-Goodbye

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::Third Peron's Point Of View::

Two boys stood by the coffin dressed in all black.

They couldn't believe it.

The person in the coffin was gone and they weren't coming back. As much as they'd like. Justin couldn't stop crying. He knew that shouldn't have happened but he couldn't have done anything even if he wanted to. Ryan rubbed up and down his back assuringly. "Jay it'll be alright." Ryan had tried reassuring his bestfriend with tears of his own going down his cheeks. 

Justin shrugged off his best friend and fell onto his knees. he couldn't stop crying since it happened. He loved the person very much and he didn't want to loose them. Justin started breathing ragedly. His sobbing didn't die down. It just grew worse when the invites started saying their final goodbye. Ryan stood by Justin. He knew if he'd try to assure him he wouldn't believe him. Justin needed Jason. Soon another figure stood by the two boys. He laid a hand on Justin's shoulder and squeezed it.

"Jay. Come on. Let's go say bye to mom." Jason rubbed at his sore eyes. He hasn't been able to go to sleep the last few days. Not only because he was in the hospital getting stiches but because they had to make arrangements for their mother's funeral. It was hard enough to see his own mother die in front of him but when he had to do all the funeral arrangements, it just made things worse for him.

He grabbed Justins hand and interwined his fingers through his brothers. He walked slowly to the open casket and looked down at their mother. She looked beautiful thanks to the make-up artists. Even though she didn't need make-up because she was beautiful without it. Jason took a deep breath looking down at his mother's lifeless boy. Justin had stopped crying for a bit and looked up at his brother. He could see the pain in his eyes. Justin didn't look much better. He actually looked worse.

Justin looked down at his mum and grabbed her still cold hand. He though of all the moments she'd be there for him. He wasn't going to be there any longer. Jazzy had walked up to Justin and stood next to him. She pulled at his shirt and gestered to be picked up. Justin let go of Jason's hand to pick up Jazzy then grabbed Jason's hand again. "Justy." She pouted and wiped away Justin's tears.

"What is it Jazzy?" He asked biting at his lips trying to stop crying for the sake of his little sister. 

"Why isn't mommy getting up? She doesn't sleep that long. Why are people crying? Justin I'm scared." She sniffled. Justin started crying once more. He sent her a sad smile and looked down at his mom. 

"Jazzy mom isn't going to get up because she left. She isn't going to come back. She went to go live with Jesus and daddy. Everything will be ok babe." He explained the best he could to a 4 year old. She cried a little and laid her head on Justin's shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly and looked down at his mom again. This was the last time he'd be able to see her and touch her. After they burry her he won't be able to. 

He grabbed Jason's hand and walked over to the microphone. An aunt came over and handed Jaxon to Jason. They stood in front of the small church filled with friends and family. They weren't closse but they knew their mother so they came to pay their respects. The boys found it hard to speak about their mom infront of everyone but they thought they'd be disrespecting their mum if they didn't. So they sucked it up and stood in front of the microphone.

"Hi everybody. Thank you guys for coming in this hard time we're going through." Justin took a deep breath before continuing. "As most of you all know, my mom was a kind, caring person. She thought of others before herself. She would think ahead before doing something afraid she'll hurt somebody. She was a strong women. After my father died she had to hold 2 jobs to take care of me and my brother and sister. One day she told me I had another brother. Because she had another mouth to feed she took an extra job. She was hardly home but we still knew she was there for us when we needed her. She was always one to give great advice when asked." He looked back at the coffin and broke down. He couldn't take it anymore. He burried his head in Jason's neck.

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