Chapter 11: Haum Humiliated

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*Video is a cut-scene from the mission in the game, "Haum Sweet Haum, (I'll say when to watch the video).*

The elevator reaches the top, Wrench and I sit down so our legs are sitting over the edge. 

Wrench takes out his phone and starts talking on the DedSec call line, "Sup guys, me and (y/n) are waiting up at the tower, bring beer!" 

He puts his phone down and puts his arm around me, pulling me to sit a little closer to him. As soon as he did this butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Now that I think about it, whenever I'm around him I feel like this, which is crazy since I haven't known him for all that long.

I'm just gonna go for it, I'm just gonna tell him how I feel and if I get rejected well... we can just be friends I guess.

I take of my face mask so I can speak better, "hey Wrench?" Of course I say this as nervously as possible, avoiding all eye-contact, fidgeting a bunch.

He looks down at me with question marks (? ?) "Yeah?"

I build up the courage to look him in the eyes, well his emoticon eyes, "I-I like you." Immediately I begin to blush but to my surprise the reaction I get from Wrench is surprising, instead of rejecting me he just screams out, "Hell yeah! Finally a girl actually likes me back!"

He pulls me into a hug and I begin laughing to hopefully rub of the awkwardness I feel right now.

As we stop hugging Wrench says, "You gotta close your eyes, I got a surprise."

Now I'm getting real nervous but I do as he says and cover my eyes with my hand and wait for whatever surprise he has for me.

Suddenly the butterflies that were already fluttering multiplied when suddenly I felt his lips against mine. We continue to kiss as he pulled me in a little closer. I go to run my hand through his hair, the hand that was covering my eyes which he must've noticed and covered my eyes with his hand - even though they were still closed. 

He pulls away and takes a few moments before taking his hand away from my eyes, he must've been putting back on his mask.

Still feeling a wave of happiness I try to get my words out, but before I could speak he quickly says, "I've been wanting to do that since we met."

We hear the elevator door open and out comes Marcus, Sitara, Josh and Horatio.

Wrench runs over to Marcus to grab the beer. Marcus taps him on the soldier, "Yo Wrench did you finally do it bro?"

Wrench smiles (^  ^), "Yeah she likes me too!" He takes a huge sip of the beer and walks back over to me and leans against the railing.

I get up to say high to the others, giving Sitara, Horatio and Marcus a hug, I go to give Josh one but he just gives a high-five, he doesn't like human contact much.

Sitara goes and sits up on the railing, "Hey! Nice View."

I go to sit next to her, "Yeah we noticed."

Josh starts to control a drone then walks over to stand beside Sitara.

Sitara pulls out her tablet and starts to type away, "And now to watch that sweet, sweet, burn.."

Josh looks over the edge of the tower realizing how high they actually were from the ground so he holds onto Sitara to make sure she doesn't fall off, "You sure you configured it correctly?"

Wrench walks over and stands behind me to support me from falling off the railing, "Dude, I don't question you about your crypto shit do I?"

Before an argument starts, Horatio quickly runs over to stand between them, "Yo guys quit it!"

Marcus pats Wrench on the back as he takes a sip from his beer.

"Guys, shut up! I'm in, lets watch!" Sitara holds her tablet up so we can all see the video.

(Play the YouTube video now, skip to 30 secs to see the right part of the video then stop playing the video at 1:40!)

"Nice! We did it guys!" Sitara says as she gets off the railing. 

I go to get of the railing and Wrench helps me off then hands me a beer.

Marcus turns around, "Yo Wrench and Alpha, we're gonna head back to the hacker-space you in?"

Wrench turns to me (? ?)

"Nah I need to start packing up my stuff to sell it, I'm probably gonna get evicted soon, shitty place anyway so I don't mind" I say after taking a sip of my beer.

Horatio turns to the other, "I'll meet you guys at the car I gotta talk to (y/n) for a sec."

"Alright, cya guys later," Sitara says as her and the others head over to the elevator.

Horatio opens his laptop back taking out and handing a laptop and phone both with DedSec art all over them, "Josh go you a laptop and phone and put a shit ton of security on them too. He also put all our hacks on their for you," He goes to walk away but turns back around, "I forgot I got a job for you at Nudle, Meet me at the address that's on the phone. See you guys later." And off he goes down the elevator to go meet up with the others.

I put the laptop in my backpack and the new phone in my pocket, "I better get going to pack my shit up." I go to walk away but Wrench grabs onto my arm, "I'll help you pack your stuff another day, you can come to my garage to stay... if you want to."

I smile at him, "Thanks that means a lot but uhh how do we get there, you don't want to take the van back."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Grand theft auto is always fun!"


Hope you guys enjoyed this part!

Mystery Girl (Watch Dogs x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें