You Are Very Beautiful

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This was inspired by The Lord Of The Rings.

"Thank you for agreeing to accompany me to Rivendell." Your brother, Legolas, smiled at you. "You don't have to attend the council meeting, but you can if you choose to."

"Of course I'll accompany you. Even if I didn't, I know father would want me to go with you.... As for the council... I will probably roam around. I haven't visited Rivendell for several hundred years."

You laughed as you made your horse gallop in front of Legolas'. He made his trot beside yours as you both were ahead of the others.

"Do you think you'll talk with Arwen?" He curiously asked.

"Maybe. Probably not though. We never really connected because... Well you know..."

"Since you had fancied Aragorn?"

You blushed looking away. "Yes... When I told her, this of course was before I knew she liked him and he liked her, she gradually stopped talking to me."

"Do you still like him?"

"No. He loves Arwen. I moved on a long time ago Legolas." You looked ahead.

"Do you have feelings for a man at home?" (I don't know how to write that so men elves are written as men here sorry)

"No. What about you brother? Have you caught eye for a special lady?"

"No. I don't care much for relationships at the moment."

Then you noticed where you were. "We're here!" You whispered excitedly. You sped off and Legolas laughed as he chased you.

"I'm afraid you shall never best me my sister." He was now in front of you leading you in the direction of the house of Elrond.

You both stopped and you were about to get off your horse when he began to rear up. You tried whispering in Elvish. Unfortunately your horse wouldn't calm down, and you felt yourself falling.

"Y/n!" You heard your brother yell. You had your eyes closed to embrace impact with the hard ground, but it never came.

You assumed it was your brother who caught you. You were in awe however when you opened your eyes. It was if light was emanating from the elf who had you in his arms. Your mystery was tall and lean like most other elves. His eyes were like the fresh forests of your home before it got dark. His hair was like that of a raven's feathers. His smile was infectious, and his laugh was exuberant and pleasing to hear. When reality hit, and the light seemed to return to normal, you noticed he was saying something, but yet you couldn't hear it.

He laughed and repeated himself. "Eheh are you okay?"

"She's fine. Now put my sister down." You realized you were still in the man's arms, but he gently put you down as Legolas asked.

"Come on y/n. We must go to the council now." Legolas pulled at your arm.

You pulled away, and you looked back at the stranger. "Will you at least tell me your name?"

He looked up at you and warmly smiled as Legolas pulled you away. "It's Loki."


Legolas didn't even talk to you as you walked to the council meeting. In fact he didn't even give you the choice like he said he would. He pulled you in and made you sit in between Elladan and Elrohir, Arwen's older brothers. This made you very flustered because Arwen told you many moons ago that they actually liked you both very much. It seemed nothing had changed, because even though this was an important meeting Elladan tried to wrap his arm around your shoulder, and Elrohir tried to hold your hand as they both gave each other dirty looks behind your back. You were starting to feel very uncomfortable. They were very sweet, but you just didn't like either of them in that way.

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