So, It Kinda Backfired...

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So, It Kinda Backfired…

Chapter 1

Julie’s POV

“Are you sure they’ll use the back doors?” Kaylen whispers. We’re hiding behind bushes, waiting anxiously for the doors to the studio to open. All of the security is either inside or focused on the front doors.

“I don’t know!” I confess, trying not to shiver at the cold air as it whips my hair in my face. Some stupid interview on Youtube said they’re most likely to use the backdoors, so that’s why we’re here. Screams from the front erupt and I cuss under my breath. I was wrong.

Yes, so I’m stalking One Direction.

But who wouldn’t? Have you heard those seductive voices or seen those smoking figures? I mean…hot damn.

“Let’s hurry to the front.” I whisper to Kaylen. As we stand up to go, she trips and knocks into me, sending us both crashing to the snow-covered ground. Kaylen is absolutely tiny, so I’m not even sure how she managed to off balance me.

I try to get up, but accomplish nothing other than her strawberry blonde hair getting in my mouth. I start to cough and she moves away, laughing. Her usual carefree attitude is mixed with nerves, creating this bubbly teenage girl I call my best friend.

“I’m sorry, Julie.” She laughs. But then she looks down at the wet marks on her green hoodie. Some snow is still clinging to it, which makes her frown. She’s never been a winter kind of person.

“See what you do, you little leprechaun?” I say as I get up. I’m biting my lip in hopes of keeping quiet. But it doesn’t seem to matter; the screams out front have ended, signaling that the five angels are gone from the premises.

The backdoor opens then. We don’t have enough time to get back under the cover of the shrubs. We’re out in the open December air, still covered in snow.

It’s none other than Josh Devine. I give a little sigh of relief. It’s just the drummer for their band. Good, because when I meet the boys- I know I will- I don’t plan on being covered in snow.

“Um, you guys shouldn’t be back here.” He says. We can’t really see him due to his bulky sweater and loose jeans, but I already know he’s nothing compared to Harry, Louis, Zayn, Niall, or Liam. Kaylen doesn’t seem to realize that though, because she’s hyperventilating next to me.

“J-J-Josh D-D-Devine!” She squeals. I’m not sure if the stuttering is due to excitement or the cold though.

“Sorry, we were just leaving.” I say, turning and pulling Kaylen’s arm. But then I notice the cold sensation and look down. I groan aloud and release Kaylen so I can wipe the snow off my front. So embarrassing.

“Wait.” Josh calls out. I turn around to see that he’s walking closer, a look of interest on his face.

“What?” I say flatly. My tone doesn’t seem to phase him in the slightest.

“Why aren’t you freaking out like her?” He beckons to Kaylen, whose got a dreamy look in her eyes.

I shrug. “You’re just a drummer.”

So hurtful, yet so true. But it doesn’t seem to bother him. Nope. Instead, his eyes light up and he pulls a pen from his pocket. He then proceeds to grab my hand, write something on the back of it, then smile at me. I’m too shocked to yank my hand away.

Where the Hell does he think he gets the authority to-

Josh smiles at my shock before walking away. He just fucking walks away?! He doesn’t even know my name, which bothers me, oddly enough. I’m sure I’m left staring at him, my mouth agape, until the backdoor shuts behind him.

What the utter Hell?

I look down hesitantly at my hand. In a boyish scribble, his name and digits are written.

“You just got-” Kaylen starts. She seems to choke on her own words, then starts over. “YOU GOT HIS NUMBER!” The short girl/idiot starts jumping up and down, shrieking all the while.

I look from her to my hand. A plan slowly starts forming in my head.

He’s the drummer. A friend of theirs. Meaning if I were to start dating him…I’d meet the boys. I’d be given the opportunity to make one of them fall in love with me, then I could dump this loser.

Yes, yes, yes. A very good plan.

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