Chapter 16

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Chelsea's POV ;)

After English Rydel and I made our way to our lockers to put our stuff away. When we got there everyone was standing there waiting for us.

“What did the Councilor want?” Rydel asked.

“Our Doctor was here. Mom had sounded upset on the phone so he figured it was an emergency. Either way he figured out what was wrong with me. I have Dissociative Identity Disorder.” he announced. Everyone turned and looked at him funny.

“It basically means, he has a split personality. Meaning that there is two sides to him. It can result in memory loss. Which explains yesterday.” I informed them. I opened my locker and put my books away.

“Which would also explain why half of me hates Chelsea.” Riker added. We made our way to the cafeteria.

“Well how are you suppose to deal with it?” Ross asked.

“I can't, it will always be with me. But with the right medication and treatment it will help me keep it under control. If I am ever a complete dick to any of you. I'm sorry.” he said. We walked into the cafeteria and took our usual table. Everyone went to grab something to eat except me and Rocky.

“Not hungry?” I inquired.

“I am grabbing something when they come back. You may want to eat something too. We all know about the eating disorder.” Riker told us. “Chelsea you need to eat. We can see your ribs.”

I looked down and touched my stomach. Everyone came back and started eating. Rocky and I went to grab some lunch. I grabbed a salad and sat down beside Riker. I started eating and I felt something on my leg. I looked down and noticed that it was Riker's hand. He slowly moved his thumb in circles. I continued eating and the principal came up to us.

“Chelsea, are you sure you can't sing tonight?” he asked. Riker moved his hand away before the principal noticed. The only rule that was enforced was no PDA.

“I will do a few songs. I don't feel very good.” I replied standing up, walking out of the cafeteria and throwing my salad container out. Everyone followed me out to our lockers. Everyone grabbed there books. We had fifteen minutes to kill.

“Ratliff and I have Geometry to work on.” Kelly said, her and Ratliff made their way to the library.

“Ross and I have Religion to work on.” Rocky announced dragging Ross towards the cafeteria.

“I need to do some math.” Rydel added and ran after them. I looked at Riker and it was just us two left.

“I was going to ask if we could talk, but considering everyone left. I think we can.” he stated.

“Well what's going on?” I inquired while sliding down my locker. I stretched my legs out and Riker sat down beside me and put his hand on my leg palm up. I put my hand in his and interlocked our fingers.

“My doctor told me that until I get this under control you could be in danger.” he said gripping my hand tighter. I bit my lip and looked down our hands. I had to make a decision. Either be with him and be in danger or be single and still be in danger. Either way there was a chance I was in danger.

“I don't care. Riker I want to be with you.” I finally answered.

“I don't want to hurt you.”

“Look, I love you. I always have, I never stopped loving you. We can deal with this together. I know karate. If I have to kick your ass once in a while I will.” I replied. He broke out laughing and wrapped his arms around me.

BadBoy! Riker Lynch Love Story!*STILL EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now