Unexpected Arrival

Start from the beginning

She stopped talking as soon as the door swung open to the kitchen. It was Jerome.

"A little meeting going on here?" He went to the fridge to get some milk and cereal. "Well, don't let me stop you."

The door swung open again, with Mick coming inside.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked.

"I was just leaving," KT left.

"Me too," Alfie left.

"Me three," Amber followed.

Fabian, Patricia, Mara, and Willow just followed out as well. Nina and Eddie stayed though.

"This is uncomfortable, so-" Mick grabbed several bananas and left.

Nina and Eddie stared at Jerome who was eating his cereal.

"Can I help you?" Jerome asked.

"Have you seen Joy?" Eddie interrogated, as subtle as possible.

"No. I'm assuming she's still asleep?"

"Actually, she's not," Nina answered. "What've you done to her?"

Jerome rose from his seat at the island. "Do you suspect I've done something, Martin?"

Eddie put his arm in front of Nina as a guard.

"I don't know what's gotten into you two, but I swear, I've done nothing to Joy. Do you still believe otherwise? And if you do, just let me know, what has sparked this crazy idea in your head, hmm?"

"Fine. We believe you. Sorry we suspected you," Eddie told him. He escorted Nina out with him.

When they were by the stairs, Nina whispered, "He's definitely lying."

"Totally. We need to get down into those tunnels. Let's find where the others went."

They discovered the rest of the gang in KT's room.

"Look," Fabian held up a sheet of paper. "Willow had a map."

Nina and Eddie sat down to view it as Fabian explained it.

"The shortest corridor is the right tunnel which KT and Patricia took before. There's one square room, and then after that you run into a circular room. Did you find that?"

"I did," KT replied. "It has a bunch of creepy things in there, but I didn't get to see everything. Maybe it's important to go back."

Fabian nodded. "The left corridor, the one Alfie and I took, is the second longest, first with that circular room full of mirrors, and then a stretch of tunnel that seems to lead to some triangular room. And then the middle corridor, first with that room full of sand-"

"-sand should be gone now," Mara butted-in.

"Ok. And after that, a long stretch of corridor leads to a giant rectangular room, which I'd say is probably the most important."

"It could be where he's holding Joy," Alfie suggested.

"At least two to a corridor is what we need," Fabian stated.

"And three can stay up here," Patricia declared. "Keeping an eye on Jerome and watching over Mick."

"I for one do not want to go back into those creepy tunnels," Alfie moaned.

"And you want to stay up here with an evil god of chaos?" Fabian asked.

"Who wants to be my partner?" Alfie immediately questioned.

Willow raised her hand.

"Ooh, Willow," Eddie began, "this is dangerous stuff, like, Sibuna stuff. And no one can be a better distraction than you. So, maybe it's best for you to stay up here to distract Jerome."

Willow pouted.

"I'll go with Alfie then," Amber spoke.

"Ok, Amber and Alfie then," Nina stated.

"I'm not risking anything else happening to me again," Patricia stated. "I'm staying up here."

"I don't mind who I go with," KT chimed-in. "I just need to check out more of that room."

"And I'll go with Eddie," Nina declared.

"What? But what about me?" Fabian asked. "I-I-I should be able to go down there. Can just one more person be added to a group?"

"Maybe we should just stick to two," Alfie suggested.

Fabian slumped back. Nina and Eddie would take the middle corridor, Mara and KT would take the right, and Alfie and Amber on the left. That way, at least one person from each pair had ventured down some part of that tunnel. When they made it to the intersection, they farewelled eachother and went their separate ways.

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