What can I say? Sugar has always been a weakness of mine.

Paying for my stuff, I head back to my truck and put my food inside before I begin filling up my gas cans, the smell of the liquid even stronger to my sensitive nose than a humans. But as strong as it is, it doesn't come close to masking the scent of fresh oranges and honeysuckle...the aroma capturing my attention and making me freeze in my actions...my wolf growling lowly at its heady sweetness...


I turn my head to search for my mate, my eyes skimming over the faces of the people in the station until they reach the driver of a silver SUV...and my breath catches in my throat as I stare.

Her light brown skin has a warm glow, making  the golden highlights of her dark brown hair stand out as the curls are held back in a scrunchy. Her eyes are unfortunately covered by dark sunglasses, so I don't have the pleasure of seeing their color...but I can see her pink lips moving as she talks on the phone, her words coming out fast in a language I don't understand...but I know the tone of all to well.

Anger...my little dumpling is pissed off with someone.

She exits the vehicle hastily after snapping her flip phone closed, slamming the door shut before storming into the gas station without looking my way. As I'm enjoying her angry strut of a walk and the way her long legs look in those frayed denim shorts, I catch her scent in a little more detail...and the scent of vampire throws me off for a second before I shake my head. She's my mate...her being a vampire doesn't change that at all.

I quickly finish filling my last can with gas and lock them under the cover of my truck, wanting to catch her while she's still inside. I sprint through the door, following her scent to my favorite section of the place- the slushy machine.

I lean against the wall and watch her layer grape, orange, cherry, blue-raspberry and lemon lime flavored slushy together in one giant cup...creating a sweet, colorful rainbow of flavor...a girl after my own heart, I love it.

"And here I was thinking that I knew the best way to drink a slushy..." I say to her, and she jumps a bit at the sound of my voice before she turns around...and her raised sunglasses finally give me a perfect view of her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes...Goddess she's perfect...

Her nostrils flare as she inhales my scent, her eyes widening as she stares into mine. A low purr rumbles in my chest as she looks me over...and I flash her a smile.

"Hello mate...my name is Tony."


Just when I thought this day couldn't get more complicated...first my landlord calls to tell me I'm evicted from my apartment because of my familiar Cara, claiming that my F4 Savannah cat violated his 'no pet policy'...just like every other apartment I've been thrown out of...Saluad...

Then I get fifteen missed calls from that asshole I cut ties with a month and a half ago, even after I made it very clear I never wanted to speak to him again...meaning I'll have to change my cell phone number yet again...

And now...this...

I stare up at the green eyed werewolf in front of me, my 5'10 height managing to make me feel short compared to his 6'4 one. His blonde, spiky hair pairs well with his lightly tanned skin...which stretches taunt over the muscle of his arms and shoulders exposed by his black tank top....

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