Jake: the worst reveal ever

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'Did she just call you by your name?' Luke appears right behind me.

'I guess'

'So you told her?' Luke wiggles his eyebrowns at me.

'No' is my short answer. I'm still processing this. How did she know? Did she hear me talk to Luke about it or... my thoughts are interupted by Luke.

'What do you mean "no"' he stares at me with wide eyes.

'She just called me Jake. That's it. I didn't tell her that's my name'

'And she kissed you' Luke says. 'You have to go after her and ask. You've been so afraid of telling her and this happens? Maybe she knew all along. Maybe her father told her. Maybe she heard us talk. Maybe-'

I cut him off before he can say anything else. 'I'll go find her. You go talk to Sophia. She's getting kinda desperate. So desperate that she starts to think that you lost interest in her'

Luke curses before running off with his phone in his hand.

Time to find Bella and ask her about this. How can she be so calm? Would I have been so calm if she had told me? Shouldn't she be mad at me for lying, not only for being Beast, but also for keeping from her that I knew her secret? Wait, what am I saying. I should be happy. I am really really happy.

I see her talking to someone. She has her back to me.

'Hey beauty. Can I talk to you for a sec?'

She turns around with the biggest smile. 'Sure'

I wait until I'm sure no one can hear us.

'How did you know it was me?'

She starts laughing. I had my suspicions when you said the exact same thing you said this morning, but I knew for sure when I saw Luke without his mask. He does realise that his secret identity is only secret if he doesn't show he's face?'

Then it hits me. I hadn't noticed, but Luke didn't wear his mask. That idiot. We've been coming here for years. How could he suddenly forget something so important?

'How did you know it was me?' Bella asks me.

'I heard you talking on the phone with your dad the other day.'

She nods slowly. 'Ofcourse'

'Not that I'm complaining, but why are you not mad at me?'

'Remember our promise? To always listen to each other before jumping to conclusions? Well, I told you about the clichés right? Boy meets girl, they get together, there is a misunderstanding, the break up and in the end they realise their fight was stupid and the make up.

I didn't want our relationship to be like that. And besides, I had the exact same secret. I can't be mad for something I did myself'

We both laugh and I put my arm around her waist. 'It's a shame we didn't have a fight. That would have been some great make up sex'

She steps closer to me and puts her hands on my chest. 'We could always fake a fight?' I capture her lips with mine. I'll never get tired of this. She tast like strawberries, my new favorite fruit.

The kiss gets more intense and her hands find their way to my hair.

Let's just say we made it to the car just in time.

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