ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1: "ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ᴀʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ʀɪɢʜᴛ?"

A field of tall golden grass swayed around me as I slowly blink my eyes open at the breath taking scenery. It was vast, open, and empty that it made my heart pound with excitement. My feet move on their own, pushing past the tickling grass and dew slowly.

I've never seen such beautiful place before.

A butterfly flitted in front of me silently and I flinched slightly at its sudden appearance. Red and orange decorated its wings beautifully, black outlining its unique patterns, it wasn't harmful. Lifting out my hand, it gently landed on it, it's wings beating slowly to stay balanced.

I smile at the butterfly, was it the only one here? Why isn't there any more? Looking around, I could only see the tall grass and blue sky.

Perhaps it's alone, just like me...

Turning my head to look back at the butterfly, but it disappeared. I inspect my hand out of confusion, I didn't feel it leave. And then looking back up, I see a tall man standing in front of me. I widen my eyes in surprise when his face was blurred and took a step back. His attire showed that he wore a tight red jacket that barely covers his whole chest along with red pants.

How weird, "Who're you?" I asked cautiously and he just turned around, starting to walk away from me while lifting his hand up as if to say he's leaving. My jaw was slightly ajar at the silent gesture before I mustered up my courage and ran after him, "Wait! Tell me who you are!" I called out, but he just faded away, everything turning black in an instant.

"What the fu-"

"Watch your language!"

I open my eyes wide, scrambling up from my bed in shock. Turning to my side I see Anne standing beside my bed with her hands on her hips. "You kept turning in your sleep, what were you even dreaming about?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and I scratch my head lazily, "Dunno," I lied and Anne sighs.

I couldn't tell anyone could I? They would brush it off as if it was just some mere dust and leave me with questions that I couldn't even ask aloud.

"Well the sun has risen and it's time to get your butt out of bed," she chimes oh so beautifully and literally pulled me to the ground. "Anne! You needa stop doing that," I groaned out in pain and slowly helped myself up with the auburn haired girl smiling cheekily, "It's become a daily routine and I don't wanna change it..."

Ignoring her, I gave a luxurious stretch and a yawn. "Your breath stinks," Anne cringed as she pinched her nose closed and I glare at her, "It's morning breath, have you heard of it before?"

"Oh no, of course not."

I ignored her again and headed towards the bathroom where she continued to follow me. "What're you doing?" I asked blandly and she just gave me an innocent smile, "Making sure you don't slack off..."

I clicked my tongue and hip checked her when she stopped next to me.

"I won't slack off, now stop following me like that," I sigh and closed the bathroom door. Pushing my back on the closed door, I slowly slid down it with tired eyes.

I didn't want to go outside, it made me feel unwelcomed and uneasy. The villagers stared at me with despise and fear or the others would whisper rumors that weren't even true. This village absolutely hates me.

Ban's Half Sister [Nanatsu No Taizai Fanfic] DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now