Part 3

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"Yes," Levi replied.

"We can go later this afternoon, after the newer Scouts are finished with their newest training regimen."

"Okay!" Hanji said excitedly.

She ran to get ready. About two weeks ago, Hanji had asked Erwin to let her get a new titan guinea pig to play with, her other two had been killed. Erwin was always nervous of Hanji's experiments but said he'd think about it. Now, it had been approved and Hanji couldn't be more excited. She had the most bizarre affinity for titans and no one really understood why.

Hanji raced out of her room and to the main door. A rough yank on her coat collar stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Levi asked.

"Outside," Hanji replied pulling against his grip.

"No." Levi said sternly.

"I do not trust you to stay put out there."

"But Levi...!" Hanji replied.

"I said no four-eyes, don't make me lock you in your room," Levi said.

"Fine..." Hanji pouted.

"Now will you let go of me?!"

Levi let go of her coat collar. Hanji turned and headed back to her room, muttering to herself. Levi caught a glimpse of Moblit walking down the far end of the hall. He quickly made his way over to him.

"C-captain Levi!" Moblit said, clumsily trying to salute.

"I want you to keep a close eye on Hanji," Levi replied.

"Yes sir," Moblit asked.

"But, if I may, why do I need to do so more than I normally do?"

"Erwin approved her to go titan hunting this morning, but she has to wait till there's more of us to go with her. Knowing her, four-eyes will try to sneak away and go now," Levi said.

"I want you to keep her here. If there is the chance Hanji slips by you and gets out, you are to report it to me immediately, understood?"

"Yes, Captain Levi!" Moblit said.

"Good," Levi replied.

Moblit ran to stand watch by Hanji's door. Thankfully, he could hear her rummaging through her old notes and things clattering as they hit the floor. There was a loud thud and Hanji yelling... Moblit sighed. Of course, he got tasked with watching the crazy one. Then all of sudden, everything got quiet, way too quiet.

"Squad leader?" Moblit said, knocking on the door.

Nothing. Moblit threw the door open.

"SHIT!" he exclaimed.

The window was wide open and Hanji was gone. Moblit ran out to find Levi.


"Sorry Levi, but I can't wait," Hanji said as she rode her horse away from the castle.

She could capture a 4-meter titan, that'd be easy enough.

-In castle-

Moblit rushed into Levi's office.

"What? Why aren't you watching Hanji?" Levi growled.

"S-she escaped! I'm sorry! She went through the window!" Moblit replied.

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