Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Cash, you're back! We haven't seen you in a month," a beautiful, chubby dark skin girl yelled. Her skin glowed even in the dim lighting of the building. The outfit she was wearing was all black from the t-shirt to the jeans and she wore a forward baseball cap that read 'Rosa's Place' in cursive over her long, wavy hair. I could tell it was a wig, but she was rocking it like it was her own.

"What's up, Tisha? I've been busy down at the gym and with the kids, you know how it is." Tristan stepped up and pulled Tisha into a hug. Tisha hugged her tightly and swayed Tristan back and forth before pulling away. Tristan stepped back and looked over at me then back at Tisha. "Tisha, this is my friend Leilani. Leilani, this is Tisha."

"It's nice to meet you," I told Tisha and in return she gave me a hug that was just as tight as Tristan's. I laughed and took in her scent. She smelled just like food and it made me even hungrier. My mouth was starting to salivate.

Tisha stepped back from the hug and gave me a big, white smile. "You've never been here, have you? I feel like I would remember you."

"I haven't actually, but I'm loving the environment. It looks like a fun place to work," I responded. I wasn't lying either. If I had to get a normal 9-5, Rosa's Place would probably be where I worked.

First of all, it smelled like f-cking heaven. I didn't even have to look at the menu to know they were serving soul food. Second of all, the ambience of the whole restaurant oozed sexiness. The lights were low and dim and the band on the stage was playing alternative R&B with a sprinkle of funk. In front of the stage, there were younger and older couples dancing along to the band while other people sat at tables, booths and the bar to eat, drink and watch their surroundings. Everyone was having a carefree time and the vibes in the building were all positive. I don't see how you could not like working here.

"Girl, you don't even know the half of working here. But welcome to Rosa's Place, you're sure to have a good time. We have the best soul food in California," Tisha declared with a head nod.

"I don't know about that, Tisha. I'm a regular at JJ's and-"

"Leilani, girl, JJ's is good. I like to go there too, but our food is better and does JJ's have a live band every night? I don't think so, baby," Tisha reassured me before I could finish my sentence. "And hey, you're here with Cash! She's like family so you two are going to get the best service you would get anywhere else around here. But let me get you guys seated."

"Please, I'm starving," Tristan said as she rubbed her stomach.

Tisha grabbed some menus and began walking as she motioned us to follow her. We got by the bar when Tisha suddenly stopped walking. I looked around the establishment and up at the band. The lead singer was a young woman around my age and she sounded like an angel. She swiveled her hips as she held on to the mic as she sung secular lyrics. The woman beside her was around the same age and she was the guitarist. The curls in her afro jiggled as she nodded her head while the man on the drums played with his eyes closed. There was another woman on the piano and she smiled as she looked out into the audience.

"Cash, you usually sit at the bar, but I'm sure you want a table or booth since you're with a lady friend," I overheard Tisha say to Tristan as I watched the band in awe.

"Booth is fine, Tisha," Tristan responded back sheepishly.

To get my attention, Tristan tugged on my hand lightly when Tisha and her began walking again. She let go when I stared following behind them. "How's your momma, Tisha, and the rest of your family," Tristan asked Tisha as she led us to our table.

Tisha laughed and smacked her lips. "Man, they're great, but they all still crazy as hell but you already know that."

"Damn, I miss them especially your momma. You know she got a thing for me," Tristan joked.

Milk and Honey (GirlxGirl)(Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now