Imagine 23

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Today you were waiting for Niall since your best friend, Amanda invited you to a double date with his boyfriend, jake with you and Niall.

He was supposed to be home by 5:00 pm to give us time to get ready and to go to the movie theater where we will meet Amanda and Jake at around 8:00pm.

It was already 7:30 I was already dressed up and the only thing I'm waiting for is Niall, where could he possibly be?

I got my phone called him a couple of times but his voicemail just keeps on playing again and again.

It was almost 8:00 and you don't want to Amanda feel down, because you don't go with them. So I decided that I should go even with out Niall. I am mad at the him because for these past days I kept on reminding him of this double date that's happening today, but instead of wasting my time maybe waiting for nothing, I will go even without him.

I meet Amanda and Jake in the movie theater. They of course asked where Niall is I said he was quite busy and can't make it. I lied. After watching this movie, We went shopping and then ate a t the restaurant and left the mall already.

I drove off to my house and checked y phone as I arrived at my room.

3 missed calls. And 2 messages from Niall.

I won't reply or call him today, I'm really tired and all I wanted was to sleep.

I wore some sweat pants and a random shirt I got from my drawer. Walk up to my bed and slept.

I woke up to my annoying ringtone, I was facing my bed and grabbed my phone still facing down, not even checking who the caller was.

I answered the call and heard Niall voice. "Hey! (Y/n) I've been calling and texting you since yesterday but I don't receive anything back." He was saying. "Who cares Niall! I haven't read your text or answered your calls because I looked like a freakin' idiot yesterday! Remember we were supposed to had a double date with hawk and Amanda I kept on calling you but you never answered them." I was nearly shouting at the top of my lungs. What a great way to wake up in the morning. "Oh!! Yeah! (Y/n) I'm really really sorry, we were having rehearsals and I totally forgot!!" "So what's the use of me reminding you all week about it?" "I'm sorry okay!! I forgot!! Promise ill make it up to you" "ugh whatever." I was about to press the end button and I heard "(y/n) pls I'm so sorry can I go as talk to you in person.." "Sure, go now to my house now."

After 15 minutes of waiting, I heard a know I on the door. I quickly got up and opened the door. Niall stepped and hugged me directly "I'm sorry babe!! I'm sorry!! I hate it when you are really mad at me!! I totally forgot" he said emphasizing the totally forgot still hugging me and speaking near my neck.

I hugged him back and looked at his eyes with my angry eyes and said "promise you'll make it up to me? Cuz I really looked like a third wheel yesterday and I hated you" you said pounting and removed my angry eyes and turned into a 'needy' (what?? Haha) eye. And he said "yes babe promise" while he kissed my forehead

I invite him to bed because it was like early 7:45 in the morning, we cuddled and I nuzzled my was to his chest and ready to sleep, I was about to close my eyeS and I heard Niall whisper "I love you princess.." I smiled that touched my heart, i know he calls me princess but today it sounded a bit different it fave my chills and i loved it.


I kinda liked this one and while writing this I was enjoying it.

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