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Jk: Ugh of all the students they made me team up with Jimin

Chimchim: At least you are not with Mark or any of them

Tata: well you're lucky

Tata: I wish I was with any of you

Tata: I am with Grover

Yoongi: who is Grover

Tata: He is one of Mark's friend

Chimchim: I would complain

Tata: I did

Tata: They said the project worths half the literature grade

MaJin: Oh right you have the project on literature

MaJin: we have on physics

Chimchim: who are you with?

MaJin: My boy Yoongi

Yoongi: yay

Jk: I'm actually surprised that he isn't with Namjoon

MaJin: Ikr I told the teacher to put me with him but he said that the project ia about collaboration with other people and making new friends

MaJin: But I told him that this doesn't make sense since Yoongi is my friend but he ignored me

Chimchim: who is Namjoon with?

Nam: Jackson

Chimchim: who is he


Chimchim: which one

Tata: are we talking about the one who is the height of jimin and that looks manly but is the cutest?

MaJin: that's the one

Jk: how do you know him that well?

Tata: I know everyone in the school

Chimchim: how

Tata: come on the students are what 100? 150?

Tata: how do you NOT know them

Yoongi: I don't give a shit about anyone so

Jk: same

MaJin: so Joon is with him

MaJin: the hot guy

MaJin: they have to work on the project some days after school

MaJin: alone

Chimchim: is he jealous?

Tata: How can you not trust your future husband?

Jk: Why are you even jealous? That's not a healthy thing in a relationship

MaJin: did Jungkook just say jealousy is not a healthy thing?

Jk: what's your point

MaJin: so anyway I trust my Joon

Nam: aw I trust you too baby

MaJin: But idk this Jackson guy

Tata: stalk him

Chimchim: check him on every social media

Nam: jfc don't stalk him

MaJin: Jimin you right imma check him

MaJin: well nothing interesting

MaJin: but he is single

MaJin: he literally says on his bio 'single as a pringle'

MaJin: okay who tf says that

Tata: Uh... who DOESN'T

Nam: Do you really think I'm going to go for him when I have the prettiest boy on my side?

MaJin: of course not

MaJin: But..

Nam: But nothing I don't even know the guy

Nam: maybe we can be friends

MaJin: sure sweetie

Tata: Keep in mind the stalking thing

MaJin: Gotcha

Nam: no stalking

Nam: Talk to him next time you see him so you can see he is a nice guy

MaJin: Fine



I'm reading tStS for the second time and I'm crying at every chapter

Like this is literally the best fanfiction book I've ever read (wips tears)

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