Let Me Violate You, Penetrate You

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Chris's POV

I woke up before Ricky did, and rubbed my eyes against the harsh sunlight streaming through the slightly open curtain. I looked at Ricky, who was sleeping with his head on my chest, and one arm wrapped around my torso.

God he's attractive.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked it, to see I had a few missed texts.

Unknown: ur an emo fggt go drink bleach & die

Unknown: u r a worthless piece of shit i hope u burn in hell u fucking freak

Unknown: ur so fucking stupid u look like a scary ass gurl slit ur emo wrists

I felt the sting of every text I got. I never did tell Ricky about the shit I deal with, he had enough to worry about. Besides, as long as he was mine, I was okay.

I was sort of surprised I got as far as I did with him last night, since he's so incredibly innocent. As much as I wanted him, I knew better than to push him into anything. I didn't want to do anything he didn't want to happen.

I set my phone on the nightstand and carefully removed myself from Ricky's grasp so I could stand. I looked over at him and it was then that I realized he had no shirt on. Holy fucking shit. Boy got a nice body.

I shook my head to clear it, and grabbed my earbuds and iPod out of my overnight bag. I plopped myself down into his beanbag chair he had in one corner of his room, put my earbuds in, and turned on a song, closing my eyes.

Long ago

Just like the



Died to get in again

We are

So far



A sudden weight fell into my lap and my eyes shot open to see a still-sleepy Ricky grinning at me. I pulled my earbuds out, not remembering to pause the song, then wrapped my arms around his small waist.

Ricky giggled a, "Good morning," then kissed my cheek. I giggled as well and returned the greeting, kissing his cheek too. "Sleep okay?" I asked, and he nodded.

Ricky laid against me, still shirtless, mind you, and rested his head on my shoulder. "We should go back to bed." he mumbled. I laughed at him, reminding him he just woke up.

He looked up at me with his piercing blue eyes and shook his head. "What?" I asked, not understanding. He rolled his eyes at me, then bit my neck. "Ricky, no, we talked about this." I said through gritted teeth, trying not to attack him.

He smiled at me wickedly. "And if I changed my mind?" he whispered, putting his forehead against mine, our lips almost touching. My mind went blank for a moment, so I shook my head to clear it.

I kissed his forehead and said, "Ricky, I really do care about you, and I really don't want you to feel like you have to rush because I wanted to do stuff last night."

Ricky sighed and put his head back on my shoulder, then grabbed my iPod from me. He scrolled through a few songs, and I felt him smile before selecting one.



Sext me

"You naughty dirty minded creature." I laughed, and he shrugged.



Sext me

Less than three

Is just a tease

Send those nudes

And make me drool

Hit me up

Make me cum

Wanna sext?

I'll show you some

I was nodding my head to the music when Ricky turned my face towards him and kissed me roughly. I returned the pressure, putting one hand on the outside of his thigh.

Ricky moved my hand so it was on the inside of his thigh, and I dug my nails in, making him gasp. "You're sure you want this?" I whispered. He nodded and crashed his lips against mine again.

I carried him over to the bed and set him down on it. He pulled me on top of him, then yanked on my shirt. "As good as it looks on you, it would look better off." he murmured, his hot breath on my neck.

Something About You | Cricky | EditingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora