The Thirty Sixth Secret - Fallen

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“Bad Girls Have Bad Secrets.”

The Thirty Sixth Secret —

"Your cat?" Shane's voice echoed against the walls, a pitch higher than normal.

"My cat."

My eyes flickered to Stephan as he turned and took the stairs two at a time ahead of me. Shane and his neighbour were coming into view at the end of the hallway outside his apartment as we ascended.

"Come on, man," Shane mumbled, eyes on a ginger kitten with large blue eyes staring ahead as it licked it's paw.

"She's innocent. Man up and stop being scared of a little kitten. It's just for two days." He slapped Shane on the bicep and emphasised, "Two."

"I'm not good with animals." Shane looked uncomfortable as he again eyed the cat who was brushing up against the guys leg, before his eyes flickered to us.

Exasperated, his friend slapped his forehead, tendrils of long black hair falling across it, "I got no one else to ask."

"Do you want your cat to die, Demetri?" Stephan butted in the conversation and the stranger turned to look at us, piercing blue eyes meeting mine before they flickered to Stephan. He looked older than us, surely in his early twenties, more or less. 

"So dramatic," he grumbled,  "If she's harmed, I'll become your worst nightmare." He scooped the cat up, and handed her to Shane, who stepped back and held his hands up.

"A monster is literally glaring at me," Shane whisper yelled.

I snickered and their gazes flickered to me. "She looks harmless."

"Then why don't you take it?" Shane yanked her from his hands and dumped her over my shoulder. I jerked, hissing in pain when her nails dug into my skin, and clearly frightened from Shane's quick movements, she hopped off.

Demetri scooped the little rat up, chuckling under his breath as I glared, pressing an arm over my aching ribs.

"How the hell could you not like animals?  Just look at her," he approached me and I stiffened at the cats close proximity once more, "She won't hurt you."

Her blue eyes gazed at me innocently and she gave a quiet meow, seemingly much calmer in his arms. His eyes met mine, just as blue and bright as hers. "Say something, she's waiting."

"Nice. . . cat?"

He began to laugh, handing her to Stephan who calmly held her, stroking his hand over her head. She instantly began to purr loudly. "I'm Demetrius, by the way. You are?" he asked, his warm smile returning.

"This is Vicky and shes too young for you," Shane said, throwing an arm over my shoulder, "Aren't you, doll?"

I shrugged him off.

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