2; Back off, he's mine

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Walking through the clean and neat corridor of the building, he fixes his cuffs. Everything seem to be a little calmer than usual, employees bowing immediately to the man passing by them. The ones who were at ease, playing games or just chatting casually are now on, sitting straight doing their respective jobs.

They feared Mr. Park but they respect Park Jimin.

"Hey Jiminie," Taehyung grins.

Jimin halts in steps and his lips turns up into a cute smile when notices him. Taehyung couldn't help but smile in return. His eye-smile is contagious in all honesty. "Hey Tae!"

"She is waiting for you inside," Taehyung snickers, sipping chocolate milkshake.

Jimin eyes lighten up, "I'll go see her." with that he makes his way towards his office with Mr. Byun following behind, as usual. Its proven, there is no ceo Jimin without his personal manager, Mr. Byun.

"Sir, another meeting with the board members in 15," says Mr. Byun. Jimin nods his head, twisting the door knob, leaving him standing by the door. Its not like he isn't allowed but he knows he needs privacy when someone from family is waiting for Jimin in the office.

He enters his office, trying to be as sly as possible. Though, not even a second that he enters and the girl already knows it.

"You're late and I am bored,"

She snaps her fingers against the desk, casually resting back as if she owns the whole building. The well dressed man stands before her with hands stuff in his pant's pockets. A soft and low chuckle leaves his mouth, watching his cousin sitting on the ceo chair like a boss.

"What do you want to do, Nikki?" Jimin asks, standing straight.

Her eyes fill with excitement as she jumps up the chair and walks towards him. "Taehyung told me you want a new intern under him,"

Jimin laughs, amusingly. "I thought we'll go a little easy, like watching late night movies or go shopping with me?" Nikki shrugs her shoulders, casually, "What do you expect from your favourite cousin?"

He nods his head, smiling big. "Okay. I'll see what I can do for you." She claps her hands together, excited. "Perfect!"

"Ah! Y/N told me what you s-"

A flashback of what happened outside the college soon hits her head and she can't help but panic. How can you tell him when you promised to keep it a secret?, Nikki wonders.

"You should be thankful I didn't break his bones," Nikki voices out with arms crossed in front her chest. Jimin instantly coughs loudly, grabbing the glass of water from the desk and gulping down in one go.

"What did you do now?" He questions, irked.

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?"

"That I beat up a guy in front of Y/N's college.." Nikki admits, confusion lingering on her face.

Jimin stops blinking for a second as his mouth hanging open. It takes him a minute or so to fully grasp the new information. Now, she is the one who's panicking in fear.

"I only knew about the sweet list you made for her but glad you confessed this. I am not really surprised." Jimin sighs, rubbing the sides of his head.

Its no news for him as before going to New Zealand, Nikki used to beat up people bothering her.

"Why do you and Y/N try to hide things and later blurt it out of no where?"

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