I fell in love with the gang...? Or should I say,the LEADER?

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Chapter 1

I stepped into an alley. This was the right way...right? I've only lived in Manhattan for a week, I shouldn't be perfectly fine.... Eh, what am I saying, I'm lost. I took my map out of my pocket. Uh...OH! it's backwards....yet that still doesn't tell me what way to go. Ugh, I change my mind, I'd rather move back to Virginia.

"You need help?" I heard someone call. I turned around. It was a guy, he had to be maybe...15? A year younger than me. He had olive skin, and a bright smile. I smiled back. Sure he's a year younger than me, but he's cute still.

"Yeah, actually...I'm trying to find my way home. I live on-

Before I could continue I felt his hands slither around my waist and me being pulled in. Lips attached to mine, and I tried to pull back. Cute guy... not so cute anymore. "Get...mm...off!" I tried to yell. He pushed me away.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, looking me up and down. I covered up my chest, and looked down. I had on a simple yellow tank top, and some caprice.

"You can't just...do that, and...what...you...I-

"Whatever." He turned around, but not before three more guys rounded the corner. This is my day. I turned around to walk away, when I realized, walked right into a wall. A wall. Of all things, a WALL would be surrounding me. I got my phone out but not before a hand got in my face by the wall.

"What you doing around here?" A voice asked.


"Eh, Trey, what you do?"

"Nothing." I realized "Trey" was the boy who had kissed me. "Thought she was looking for somebody."

"Yeah, man, alright. Hey, what's your name?"

"Cara." I said. STUPID! Now he can stalk me.

"I'm Dre, this is Trey my brother, here's Isiah, and here's Lewis."

"Call me L." Lewis said.

"Whatever, Lewis," Dre laughed. I uncomfortably stared. He smiled though, and I...stared.

"Now what are you doing around HERE?"

"Looking for home..."

"You live around here?"

"No...uh, I don't think. I live in an apartment in Manhattan-

"Ah, you're on the wrong side of town." Dre fixed his watch. "It's 11, what time you supposed to be home."

"Do you think I'm a baby? I don't need a curfew!" I lashed.

"Hey watch your mouth," Trey stepped forward.

"It's cool Trey, I can take care of myself." Dre cracked his knuckles a bit. I flinched, and he laughed, stretching. That's when I noticed his white t-shirt. It wasn't weird, a normal T-shirt. But all four of them had the same T-shirt. And they all had this...look, I don't know, a PROUD look?

"You need a ride?"

Did it really matter? I was going to die. Dad was going to be gone for a week, he won't notice. Mom stopped calling Friday...

"I...I guess."

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