Chapter 4

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One Year Plan Ch. 4

Liam's POV:

I knock on Myra's door softly, opening it a crack as I try to peek into her room.

I'm more than positive she's not going to be a morning person....she's not even an everday person for christs sake.

"Myra." I say in a hushed tone, ever so slowly opening the door inch by inch with great caution.

My eyes widen in surprise when I find Myra's bed empty, the white sheets wrinkled and strewn carelessly across the matress as a large indent on the bedding is clear from under the pillows from her presence.

I rest my forearm against the doorframe and rub my tired face.

Where was she?

I sigh and walk torwards the living room, hoping to find her there.

I was going to surprise Myra and wake her up to start our training since it was 5:30 in the morning already, the time I usually wake up every day to work out.

I didn't care if she was hard headed or difficult, I chose her as my student and I always help my students no matter what.

Even if they don't want it I know that a healthy life would be best for them.

I'm more than shocked at the fact that the girl who doesn't even want to walk back and forth down her hallways is up before me, out of all people.

I rub the back of my neck awkwardly as I pace back and forth in the living room, not knowing what else to do with myself.

She was probably out getting something that's all, she'll probably be back soon in no time I tell myself.

I let out a small breath, my eyes falling on a discarded bag of cookies on the couch that makes me mentally cringe at the sight.

It reminded me of how much unhealthy food was storaged in Myra's kitchen, not even a fruit or vegetable in sight.

I stride back into the kitchen, going through each drawer and pantry all over again like last night, not surprised to see only junk food, desserts, and fried edibles out on display.

I didn't hesitate to call Max and order the delivery trucks to pass by along with a few people from our crew.

I know Myra won't necessarily be happy when she finds out I've raided her kitchen and replaced every snack with healthy choices, but it was honestly her fault for leaving me alone in her apartment.


I let out a sigh and ended the call with Max, leaning against the kitchen island as I stared out the window.

Where could she have gone at a time like this?


Myra's POV

I pointed my gun torwards the hulk like man as I walked around his disgusting living room, picking up a dusty picture frame with my free hand.

"Don't touch that!" The man barks, his deep baritone voice possibly shaking the whole room as he stood to his feet, his steroid injected muscles flexing.

I cock my gun, not even looking up to acknowledge his threatening demeanor.

"Eh eh eh..." I say, my back still facing him as I observe the photo in my hand.

He mutters a curse under his breath before sitting back down on his torn fabric couch, the cushions making a loud squeak under his weight.

"Who's this?" I ask, finally facing him as I point to the middle aged lady in the picture with the tip of my gun.

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