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I got home early today, fortunately escaping Wilsons clique.

"Brendon, your father and I want to talk to you about something", my mom said smiling at me.

"A-about what?", I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Come sit down", she said pointing at the couch.

I sat down next my father, my mother joined.

"So, we've been thinking about your stuttering, and maybe it would be the best for you to visit a psychologist. Maybe they can help you", my mother said calmly holding my hand.

I gulped. Do I really have to go to a psychologist? Is my stuttering that bad? Maybe it would really help me.

I shrugged.

"Brendon, it would help you a lot, you can talk to a person you don't know about more personal things, you know?", my father said.

"I g-guess."

"Ok, We'll call her and tell you when you have your fist appointment, right? She seemed like a nice person on the telephone", my mother said smiling sympathetic.

I nodded and walked up to my room. I know, it will help me but the last thing I want to do now is to go to a psychologist. I don't need a person I have to talk myself out. I don't need a person to help me. To fix me. Just people that need to be fixed go to a psychologist. But I'm not broken. There's nothing to be fixed.

I sighed and threw myself on my bed. Why does this happen to me? As if Wilson isn't enough. No, my stuttering doesn't help at all. Maybe I am broken. Maybe I can't fix myself. The only person I knew that could fix me isn't here.

I gulped already feeling the tears filling my eyes. I immidiatly wiped them away. I can't cry over this again. I mean it happened four years ago. I should be brave and get through it. But I can't. The tears come back every damn time.

I let out a scream out of anger forming my hand into fists. With the anger came the tears, but I gritted my teeth not wanting them to escape my eyes.

This wouldn't happen if you would still be here.


Stutter~ Ryden (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now