He led us through different hallways, a path I wouldn't have found on my own. I decided to break the silence knowing that this was a close member of Shawn's team, "Nothing happened if that's what you're thinking." I said. Geoff didn't look at me but mumbled a 'mhm'.

"It looks bad but it isn't what it looks like." I said again. Geoff raised his hand for me to stop talking as we stopped in front of a brown door.

"I don't care if anything happened or not, just don't catch yourself in the ring of fire when the fans find out about his New York hook up." Geoff said coldly. He opened the door for me, I slowly walked out as I took in his words. I turned around to say something but he already closed the door on me.


"I know, I know I'm late and I'm so sorry!" I said rushing into the recording booth at the studio. I placed my stuff down on the couch and then sat in my chair on my side of the control panel. I quickly looked on the computer at what they've recorded already and where we were at. I then turned to look at Deb and Jordan who weren't staring at me like they were pissed but like they were entertained.

"You look like you just ran out on a one night stand." Jordan said, both of them with smirks on their face.

I shook my head, "Well sorry to disappoint you but that is not why I'm late."

"Is that a hickey on your neck!" Deb said, leaning closer to me. My hand quickly shot up covering the spot Shawn was kissing me last night.

I pushed my chair away from the panel, standing up and walking over to the mirror. And there it was, a deep purple mark right at the base of my neck. I kept my hand over it as I turned towards the both of them.

"You seemed to have a fun night with Shawn..." Deb said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I shook my head turning back towards the computer to hide my blushed cheeks. I could hear both of them chuckle before focusing their attention back on the singer in the booth.

I rested my hand on my palm while I looked through what was recorded already. My mind then wandered off to Shawn and how amazing last night turned out to be. I smiled to myself, biting my lip, and I remembered the way he gently roamed his hands on my lips. The way he kissed me last night brought butterflies in my stomach. I knew that my heart was only Shawn's at this point, there was no going back.


Shawn's POV

After the interview we all went back to the hotel for an hour before my second interview of the day. We all went out to buy lunch and bring it back to the hotel. I currently was sitting in Brian's hotel room with Matt and Ian. We all just sat on the beds as we ate and I started to notice how quiet everyone was today which wasn't normal. Brian and Ian both sat on the second bed in the room across from me, staring my way.

"What?" I mumbled while my mouth was full of food.

"Shawn we need to talk." Brian said glancing at Matt who was also staring at me.

"About what?" I furrowed my eyebrows at them while taking another bite.

"It's about Hayden." I froze as I glanced up at them and stopped eating my food. I could already hear in Brian's voice that they aren't about to compliment her but are about to do the complete opposite.

"Look we really like her, and she seems great for you but we just have to be honest. We don't think this is a good idea." I placed my sandwich down in the take out box, already feeling myself get annoyed.

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