Chapter 8: Sneaking In

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*In an alley street next to the Haum Headquarters 11:30pm* 

We get out of Marcus's car and run over to the alleyway which we can see Horatio sitting in a black van. Not looking sketchy at all. 

Horatio sees us and gets out of the van, "Hey what's up guys," he claps his hands together, "you ready to sneak in there?"

Marcus walks up to him and gives him a high-five and a hug, "Hell yeah bro! Also, you can call miss mystery girl here (y/n)," he says pointing at me.

Horatio comes up to me to give me a high-five as well, "Nice to finally get your name (y/n), you ready for this, you got any equipment you need?"

"yep," holding up my laptop case, "and in my backpack I got some things in-case things get a little messy."

Marcus, who is checking his stun gun making sure its loaded, "I got my stun gun and phone that's all I need, so lets get to work."

Horatio walks back over to behind the van and opens the two back doors, me and Marcus follow him to see that the van looks like one of the those classic FBI spy vans.

"Damn what a set up," I say as I set down my laptop and backpack on a mini table inside the van.

Horatio who is now tapping into some cameras that look into the courtyard of the headquarters nods and smiles at me and continues to look carefully at each of the guards.

"Yo Marcus I got the access key, you and (y/n) should be good to go now. Go through the back area, there's only 3 guards there. Good luck."

Me and Marcus walk over to the back entrance, Marcus pulls out a lock pick and unlocks the door. We quietly walk into the back area hiding behind a half wall of plants. 

Marcus looks around locating two of the guards, one two the left, the other to the right. The third one Horatio saw earlier must be up in the server room.

"Alpha, you go and knock out the guard to the right, and i'll do the guard to the left, then we'll head up the ladder over there and get the guard in the server room and download the data. Okay?" Marcus said looking ready to go with his thunderbolt.

I look over to the guard that I need to knock out and look back at Marcus, "Okay, 3-2-1 go!"

I walk over slowly up behind the guard and grab him in a headlock and quickly put him to sleep. His phone and gun fell to the floor, I grab both of them putting them in my backpack which still has some of the stuff I looted from the cTos guards, I need to hurry up and sell those.

Marcus comes running over, "Hey I got the other guy, you stealing his stuff?"

I finish putting them in my bag, "Yeah, I can sell them and get some good money off them, I'll get his ID card as well so we can open the door to the servers."

Me and Marcus go up the ladder and lean either side of the door. I grab the ID card I took and tap it against the card scan lock. The door opens and the guard inside the room starts to walk towards the door to see who was opening it.

As soon as the guard gets near the door Marcus quickly shoots him with his stun gun and the guard falls to the ground, "Alpha, you watch the doors and windows while I get the data."

I nod at him and drag the now sleeping guard over to under a unused desk to hide him from sight of the small door window. 

Suddenly Marcus starts to panic, "Ahh shit shit shit. We tripped an alarm, we gotta get outta here quick. Reinforcements will be here in a few minutes." 

"Shit okay, We will still be in range of the data if we go hide in the janitors closet that was near those guards?" I say looking around through the windows trying to spot any incoming guards.

"Yeah we should be lets go quickly." He says running out of the server room.

We both quickly run to the janitor closet which was luckily unlocked. We get in and I shut the door, locking it.

"Hey how much longer until we get all the data?" I ask panting from running so fast.

"Ah we got about 85% so not much longer," He says, still concentrating at his phone making sure everything is downloading properly.

A bunch of footsteps run past the door, "Get to the server room make sure nobody's there!" Must be the some of the guards.

"Yo Alpha get ready to run back to the van in 3-2-1, Now!"

We burst out of the door and run straight back to the van, jump in the back and shut the doors and Horatio drives out of the alley way onto the main street.

"Guys did you get the data?" Horatio says quickly looking at us then back at the road.

Marcus looks over at me then over to Horatio, "Yeah we got it all, Alpha you did good tonight," He turns back to me giving me a fist bump, "Can't wait till we got another mission for you."

I smile, "thanks Marcus."

The rest of the drive back to the Hackerspace was pretty silent. When we got there everyone was back but asleep so we just all took a couch and slept as well.

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