Niall Sick on Wedding Day

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Sorry for all the Niall ones! Niall is my favorite so it just happens I guess, please give me requests!


Tomorrow I am getting married to the love of my life Rea, I still haven't gotten a suit so I'm going out with Liam, Louis, and Harry today. They haven't gotten anything to wear to the wedding either, imagine that. Rea is staying the night with her friends tonight so the boys and I are staying with Liam.

I saw the car pull in and began walking downstairs, one of them beat me to it and were pounding at my door already. I opened up to see it was Louis, of course "Nialler," he cheered "Are you ready for this?"

I nodded "I'm getting really nervous though."

He laughed "Don't be, let's go, you're up front with Liam, Harry and I are in the back."

I nodded as we began walking to the car, I sat by Liam like I was told and we began the ten minute drive to the mall. "So," Liam broke the silence "You ready for this?"

I nodded "nervous." just like I told Louis

"I'm so excited for you!" Harry added

I nodded "Thanks"

We finally arrived and found the store we came for and started looking at dress suits. I picked a blackish suit with a pink and white striped tie and the other boys got gray suits with red ties.

After that, we decided to leave and go get Nandos since that's what I chose and it was my big day.

After dinner and we were in the car my stomach started hurting really bad, I'm just so nervous and I don't know why. My hands were sweating like crazy and I tried wiping them on my pants, I kept moving in my seat, anything could go wrong, what if I mess up, what if-

"Niall" Liam interrupted my thoughts "You'll be fine"

I shrugged "I'm just so nervous, my stomach is a mess right now and I could probably get sick."

Louis laughed "You probably just ate too much at Nandos."

I shook my head but chuckled " I don't know, I guess, I'm so nervous though."

"You'll be fine," Harry said "We will all have fun tonight and you can relax, the wedding isn't until 5:00 anyways."

He's right.."That only 22 hours away!" I cried

Liam patted my leg, still keeping his eyes on the road " Don't stress Nialler."

We finally pulled into Liam's driveway and went to his living room.

"So, FIFA?" Louis asked

Harry nodded "Let the Wedding boy go first, choose wisely Nialler." he tried to wink

"If you were smart, you'd choose me." Louis added

I looked at Liam "I choose Liam."

They both groaned and sat on the couch, Liam and I took the floor. After Liam totally kicked my ass at that game, Harry and Louis took their turn while Liam and I sat on the couch talking and laughing at Louis's anger. Louis ended up losing and demanded we do something else, it was already 10:00.

"Movie?" Liam suggested

Harry sighed "I don't really wanna watch a movie yet."

"Well, I don't know. Niall?"

I shrugged, my stomach was feeling uneasy again. "I'm fine with a movie, I kinda have a stomachache."

Louis patted my back "You're really nervous, aren't ya?"

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