2. Words Hold Power

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I rolled over and groaned. Six a.m. came to quickly. I slammed my fist onto my alarm clock and yawned loudly before pawing at my eyes. I mentally scolded myself for staying out so late. And for talking to those boys.

I should know better. Why am I so stupid?!

I shook my head and stood, walking to the shower. After washing my hair and yanking it back into a wet ponytail I brushed my teeth and put on deodorant. I walked back to my room and looked through my freshly unpacked closet. I pulled out a floral shirt and a pair of plain blue skinnies. I put on fresh socks and slipped on my Classic Chuck's. After that I put on my glasses and double checked my bag for all the essentials. I nodded and locked my door after me. I checked the time and saw it was 7 a.m. even. I smiled proud of myself and left for school.

I made it there without incident by 7:50. The final bell was at 8. I went to my locker and unloaded all my books before grabbing just my math one. I slammed it shut, jumping out my skin when someone grinned at me from the other side of it.

"Saskia! You scared me." I exclaimed, clutching at my chest. She just smiled.

"Surprised you remembered my name." She smiled. I shrugged "I see your locker is being friendlier. " she giggled. I nodded at her.

"You don't talk much, do you?" She asked

"Not really." I shrugged and walked away.

I hate being mean, but I have to. Making friends means getting hurt, and. I've been hurt too much in my life. I've had too much ripped away and told to just suck it up. So now I can't be bothered.

"I'll figure you out, McFaulen!" she yelled after me. I couldn't help but grin. She's persistent, I'll give her that.

I walked to my first period Science class. We were on block schedule so I had four hour and a half classes a day. I walked into the room and saw I was three minutes early. I walked to my teacher who gave me a science book and assigned me a seat in the back.

I hate sitting in the back. It's too far away from the board, and the loud kids usually sat back here. The trouble makers.

I don't associate well with trouble. Or even people at all.

I doodled in my notebook before the bell rang. When it did I put it away and looked to the front, where the teacher began the lesson. Ten minutes after the bell, the door slammed open. I looked over, startled at the disturbance. Everyone else seemed unphased. The teacher didn't even look up from where he had been drawing a diagram on the board.

"Nice of you to join us Mr. Green, Mr. Radke." he spoke with sarcasm, and a slight smile on his face. I get the feeling that these boys rarely show up.

"Lucky we came at all Tommy." the kid, Ronnie I think, from last night chuckled.

"Please have a little respect Radke." the teacher sighed.

"Ehh." was all Ronnie replied, shrugging. Him and Max made their way to the area I was in. Max sat next to me while Ronnie sat in front of me.

"Laura, right?" Ronnie asked

"Maybe." I replied, glancing up from my notes to look at him. He smiled

"We hung out at the park that night, didn't we?" he asked

"Don't know what your talking about." I said, continuing my notes. Ronnie grunted and turned around, obviously annoyed by my vague answers.

"Bitch." Max muttered from beside me. I glanced over at him and he smirked.

"What is your problem with me?" I asked him, fed up with his attitude. This caught Ronnie's attenion, as he turned back around to watch us.

"You don't talk to us. We have done our best to be nice to you and you just knock us down. What? Do you think you're better than us or something?" he whispered harshly at me. Ronnie snickered and I glared at him, causing him to raise his hands in surrender. I turned back to Max.

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