'They help people. They help others out. Just like we use-'

A hand on his shoulder cut him off. He surged up, tensing. He looked up to see Bruce staring at him. He looked over at Dick, who was giving him a knowing look.

"Are you ready?" Bruce looked concerned. But was he really?

"You don't have to go." Surprised showed up on Danny's face.

It didn't come from Bruce though, it came from Dick.

Both Bruce and Danny looked at Dick. Bruce had his eyes widen, surprised that his son said that, while Danny looked relieved.

"If you don't want to come with us you don't have too." Dick smiled gently.

'He's lying. They always get something out of it.'

'Why should I listen to you. You aren't Phantom anymore'


Danny bit his lip but soon relaxed.

"We don't want to go." He mumbled softly.

Bruce looked at him and Dick frowned at the word 'we'.

"Then so be it. You can stay with Alfred till we return. Maybe another time."

Bruce said softly as he put the cowl over his head. Dick smiled and put his mask on.

He went over to Danny and hugged him. Danny tensed then relaxed. He released him and they went towards the Zeta Tubes.

Danny, relieved he wouldn't have to leave his comfort zone, gave a small wave.

Soon they both were transported to the mountain.

To tear, tear them down
Well I'm gonna tear, tear them down

'What? Ignoring me now are we.'

'Leave me alone'

'No. I can't and I won't ever leave you alone.'

Danny sat on his bed with his knees against his chest. His face hidden in his legs and his hands against his head, gripping his hair tightly.

'You can't trust them.'

'Yet before we escaped, you said I could.. And why now? After two years of popping in every now and then, why all of a sudden start talking.'

'.......Maybe now it's time'

Cause I know my weakness, know my voice
And I'll believe in grace and choice

Danny let out a sob. Tears trickled down his cheek.

'Time for what?' He sobbed out as a lump formed in his throat.

"Don't worry. All in due time Danny."

He felt hands on top of his. He froze as he let out the air he was holding. When it left his mouth, it turned into fog. It was cold. Freezing cold.

And I know perhaps my heart is fast

Dick walked silently up the stairs. Their mission was rough and it began badly, but it got better in the end. Once reaching the top of the stairs he shivered.

It was cold. Like freezing cold. He shivered as his breathe came out in small puffs of smoke. He frowned walking down the hallway. Once reaching his door he looked at the door of Danny's room.

They made sure to put him close to Bruce's room but where Dick can reach him easier and faster. He stayed there for a few moments.

'He's probably asleep already. Could it be a nightmare that's causing the cold? Maybe I should check on him.'

He let go of his door knob and walked towards Danny's room. Midway he stopped as he heard mumbling. He froze. Mumbling? But the mirror, they made sure to get rid of it.

"DoN'T wOrrY. AlL iN DuE tImE DaNNy.."

Instantly, Dick darted the rest of the way to Danny's door and threw it open quickly. He froze at what he saw.

A dark figure was looming over Danny on his bed, holding his hands which were on his head. Slowly the figure turned but before he could see his face, it disappeared.

Dick stood there not knowing what to do, till he heard a tearful cry. He ran towards Danny and wrapped his arms around them.

"It's going to be okay Danny. It's okay."

Tears rolled down his face as he clung to Dick. He couldn't breath. It was all too much for him

But I'll be born without a mask

Word Count - 1137

Longest chapter yet! Hope you guys enjoy it 😀

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