He took a hold of my hand and pulled me through the blue portal. I closed my eyes, haring the feeling of falling.
It was over quicker than I could remember and we landed back in my home time.

I looked around, seeing the very empty street. Taron and Keian appeared after us and Dorian glanced at me. "Ready?" He asked, studying my expression.

I nodded. We walked down the street, four wide when I heard laughter. I froze and Dorian drew his sword, Taron and Keian following suite.
"Well well, isn't it the pretty little faery Queen and her most trusted soldiers" the voice said.

I glanced at the ground, frowning as mist swept over us. "What do you want?" I asked bravely.

I raised my hands, ready to blast anyone that came attacking. I glared through the mist, it was swamping our senses and I looked forward closely as I saw several dark shapes heading towards us.

I glanced at Taron who nodded and swept his hand to the side. A cool breeze drifted through the street, lifting the mist up and away from us, clearing our vision.
Several vampires circled us. Blaine at the head of it all.

"The Consul knew you'd be back here, we've been watching for portaling for at least two weeks now" he said, a cruel smirk on his face.

I ground my teeth. Another figure stepped out and up beside Blaine and I almost dropped my hands. "Traitor!" Dorian hissed.

Marcus stood beside Blaine, he wore dark robes and his eyes were red. I swallowed slowly. "I see you cower before your old friend, good, because he's the one who's going to destroy you" Blaine said, placing a hand on Marcus's shoulder.

I stepped back. "Remember your training" Taron whispered.

Everything flashed back to the day I blasted Marcus from the room, he'd been full vampire then. I hated to say it but Scathach had been right.
I had to fight Marcus's true form.

The malicious grin widened on Marcus's face as he stepped forward. I raised my hands higher. "Stay back!" I ordered, feeling my magic tingle throughout my body.

I glanced around to see all vampires step forward. I closed my eyes, letting everything freeze and I counted to three.

1, everyone stepped forward again.
2, Marcus bared his teeth, ready to strike.
3, I raised my hands and brought them down in a swinging motion like I was throwing a ball.

It hit Marcus and threw him back several feet. All vampires came forward as my eyes shot up and I remember my favourite magic trick. I flicked my wrist and a long chain appeared in my hands.
A golden whip.

"Duck!" I yelled and everyone in my group ducked as I swung the whip around my head before whipping it towards Marcus, was running towards me.
He was furious now.

Taron ran forward and blasted Blaine back a few feet before picking up his sword and stabbing the nearest vampire.
Dorian was protecting me and Keian, well Keian was just being a complete bad ass.

I focused on Marcus, who seemed hell bent on trying to get to me. I flicked my wrist again and my whip disappeared. I got down on one knee and pressed my fingertips to the concrete. Marcus snarled and made a run for me again, but I flicked my hand up from the ground and the concrete went flying, heading straight for Marcus.

He broke through it and continued to run at me. "I'm sorry Marcus" I said, softly.

I closed my eyes and pulled my arms into an x formation before displaying my hands open and opening my eyes to see Marcus leap towards me.

The blast rocketed Marcus back, throwing the Vampire through several houses. Windows shattered and the ground shook. I flipped my hair back and stood up straighter. Blaine snarled as he got to his feet.

Howls filled the air and suddenly a wolf jumped out of nowhere, landing on Blaine and ripping the Vampire's head off.
The wolf turned to me and snarled as I recognised it immediately.

I was in trouble. Austin's wolf walked towards me but I looked up as Marcus walked back out on the street. "Not now Austin, I have something I need to deal with" I said to the wolf.

Austin's ears pricked forward before turning his fluffy head to see Marcus on the street. The wolf growled.
"Help the others" I said. 

Austin bounded off to join the fray of the fight as I walked towards Marcus. He stood still, his arms by his side and he shook his head.

He was battling the monster inside of him. "Marcus?" I asked.

He looked up suddenly, his eyes falling into red. "Marcus, I know you are in there, and I want to apologise" I said, raising my hands gently.

His eyes went blue before returning red. I sighed. "If you are angry with me, I get that, but remember what you said to me before you left?" I asked, tilting my head.

I didn't have time to respond as Marcus jumped at me, causing me to fall to the ground. I cried out as my head hit the asphalt. Marcus hovered above me, his teeth gleaming in the light.
"You said you loved me" I whispered.

Marcus froze for a second before his eyes burned red and I cried out as he tore into my throat.
Pain enveloped my entire being and I could feel everything leaving me.
My eyes could see a wolf jump over my, causing Marcus to fall back as the wolf's canines suck into Marcus's shoulder.

My hand reached up to hold the wound, feeling the blood still pouring onto the cement. Tears dotted my eyes as I watched the fight between the two men in my life.

So this is what it's come down too.

I felt hands touch me and I flinched as Taron bent over me. He raised his hands, trying to use his powers to heal me. I stared at my brother, studying his features.

We hadn't had long. "Taron" I whispered.

"Shh, don't speak, you need your strength" he said as he tried again to heal me.

"Brother" I said as Taron coughed, tears filling his eyes.
Keian fell to his knees beside me, cradling my head.

I smiled at them. "Thank you" I said, my body going numb.

Taron's body shook. "No, Diana, you can't, you can't die, not now" he said reaching for my hand.

I squeezed his hand and smiled again. The pain left my body and suddenly I was all numb. I couldn't respond as Taron shook my hand. "Diana!" Taron exclaimed.

He shook me again and my eyes closed. "NO!" I heard someone scream.

"Don't leave me baby, don't leave me" another voice said before my last breath drew throughout my body.



A moment of silence.
Do you think she's really dead?
And what about Marcus?

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love, T xoxo

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