Chapter 5. A To-do List

Start from the beginning

You went to the cupboard with the extra blankets and pulled out an inflatable mattress and some extra blankets to go with it. " With this."

You inflated the mattress and placed it in the living room.

" There. You happy now, Your majesty." a smirk was now painted across your face.

" You mean to tell me... that you... had this comfortable contraption this whole time. While I was forced to sleep on the floor." Loki ranted.

" Must have slipped my mind." Your smirk was still on your face.

He eyed you while you eyed him back.

" Good night, Lady (y/n)." said Thor.

"Night, Boys." You waved as you were about enter your room. " Oh, feel free if you want to share the mattress with Loki, boys. That mattress can hold about two people if you guys want more room to sleep."

The three of them looked at each other then at Loki.

" I think not!" Loki yelled.

You closed the door behind you hoping to not get involved what was about to go down. You took a breath of relief.

After a whole day of babysitting adults, you survived.  You took off your clothes and replaced them in your sleep wear. You fell into your bed exhausted, but proud of yourself at the same time. 

You got under your sheets to make yourself comfortable. You grabbed Steve's little booklet and looked through the things of what he wanted to catch up on.

It made you a bit sad that he didn't have the chance to live through this and be clueless about a lot of the modern day culture. Including bucky as well. They both were robbed of something and now they are now relying on you for answers.

Thor and Loki on the other hand were a different story. Thor actually wants to learn about the culture here on earth since he found a liking towards earth. Loki is just here because he has to be here. After a lot of things he has done, he has to be punished through this way instead of being put into jail like a normal criminal, but I guess this is another way.

You sighed as you reflected on your situation.

If they wish to learn about the modern world, might as well make it the best. The only problem is that how are you going to pull it off.

Then you got an idea.

You pulled out your phone and went to your contacts to call a friend who you knew who could help and was awake this time.


" Why good morning to you too. Hey,  I need a favor."

" Again."

" Yes. I promise to own you big time. Ok."

" You better. Plus you still owe me that bottle scotch."

" Yes, Tony. I know." You sighed in annoyance. " I'll just need more money again. "

" You do know I am not a walking bank."

" Well..."

" Don't answer that."

" Fine. I'll come to your place to discuss what I need."

" Wow, (y/n). Since when were you so demanding."

" Shut up. When are you available so I can drop by?"

" Well, (y/l/n). Is it possible if I can change the alphabet to U and I together."

"Good thing N and O are already together."

A few seconds of silence.

" Ouch. Not bad. Hurt, but not bad."

" Your welcome."

" I' ll let you know when you can swing by tomorrow."

" Thanks, tony."

" Don't mention it.  Do me a favor Please don't bring, Reindeer games or steve's raccoon. They make me uneasy."

" Sure thing. See ya then."

" I'll be counting down every hour till then."

" And I'll be dreading every second."

" Again. Hurt, but impressed."

You hung up to stop him from his attempts and place your phone on the nightstand next to you bed.

You looked back at the list.

I'll make it worth it while I still can.

The Modern World For Idiots  (Avengers x reader).Where stories live. Discover now