7th JULY 2018

8 2 4

Looking out my bedroom window.... 8:45 am
What a beautiful morning....

Dear time capsule,

Last few days I have been so unnerved scribbling furiously away about nightmare after nightmare. I have become my own worse enemy, I'm a prisoner trapped in my own fears, I have forgotten what it feels like to live a carefree spirited life. To date I have only shared a few moments of my life with you. However there is this side of me that yearns to come out and play, a carefree spirited, laughing and bubbly character who rarely cried. My childhood I yearn to relive where my parents, siblings and grandparents lived, loved and laughed.

My name is Aria Nash and this is my story....
I lived with my grandparents, parents and two siblings. We had a beautiful, warm and cosy home nestled in a huge farm away from the city life. We lived for each other, sharing joys and sorrows. I'm the youngest of my two siblings, when I was born I brought a sense of closeness in my family. No one could separate us even the prying eyes of others could not cast their shadows over our home. We were content. Summer days were spent at the lake near our home enjoying picnics, laughter and swimming with each other. No one went out into the city and worked, we enjoyed our organic farming and loved the fresh air. The days of autumn and winter we spent indoors or huddled around camp fires, the spring made us forget the cold and we as youngsters bloomed like the sunflowers in the fields.
Old age claimed the lives of my grandparents and we experienced our first sorrow. Death was final and we knew that this was the end of their journey.

Nevertheless my parents and siblings still enjoyed what life offered us until one day, everything that we lived for shattered beyond recognition. Our farm was invaded, mum and dad butchered, my elder sister raped and butchered before my younger brother's and my eyes. We fled to the nearby farm with them hot on our heels. Unfortunately what the mob did to our family was repeated to the next family. We witnessed their gruesome murders in hiding. The parents butchered, the daughters brutally raped repeatedly and burnt alive. Then the youngest were made to watch the gruesome horror, their eyes poked out and buried alive. If they found us, this was going to be our fate. The images we witnessed were literally burnt into our minds. The screams and pleads drowned in our ears.

The frantic search for us continued for days and we kept moving away further and deeper into the now jungle. Wild animals hunted us by night and by day these barbarians. What was our fault? Our young minds could not understand. Our parents and sister didn't even have a decent burial and here we both were vulnerable and left to fend for ourselves. Wild animals claimed my little brother's life, I watched him being eaten alive, his screams and cries still haunt me. I was unfortunately saved, sold to a brothel and bought by a hideous callous man who taunted me, robbed me of my entire being, stripped me naked and tied me up. Years passed and my condition worsened until one day after enjoying my body stripping me of my last shreds of dignity, he fell asleep drunk out of his mind, forgetting to tie me up. I managed to flee through an opening that I secretly dug with my bare nails. I was free but in an awful state. I didn't think, I just ran. I did not know what my chances were, what would be the outcome and what consequences awaited me..

I just ran.
My dear diary, I'm too tired to continue right now. I relived the horror of my past. I need air. Not such a good morning after all...

Yours Nash

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