He whispered softly. He sat Danny on the bed and held his hand. He started moving his hair out of his face.

"Listen to my voice Danny. Come on and listen to it. Wake up Danny."

Danny's breathing exhilarated and than slowed down. Dick frowned.

"Don't let them control you Danny, listen to my voice. Come on Danny wake up for me. Listen to my voice."

His breathing became steady and slowly pale blue eyes opened. Tears came down his cheek has he blinked.

"There you go Danny."

Hearing him sniffle softly, he grabbed a tissue from his desk and gave it to him.

"I'm sorry.." He whispered softly.

"Don't be. Lay down, I'll protect you tonight." Dick smiled softly, looking at his little brother.

Danny nodded and went to lay on the side where the wall and bed met. Dick joined near the edge. He pushed Danny's bangs out of his face.

"Was it him again?" He whispered softly.

"No.. he isn't bad..." Danny said slowly.

Dick grimaced but nodded anyways.

"Get some rest."



Dick yelled across the table with a muffin in his mouth. Danny giggled a little and put his hand over his mouth.

"Please Master Dick swallow what you have before you choke." Alfred said with a sigh and a raised eyebrow.

Dick smiled sheepishly and swallowed. Danny smiled slightly and went back to eating his oatmeal.

Start off small.

"Wait until you meet Superboy!"

Danny whiplashed up to look at his older brother. He hadn't been paying attention. His face paled at the thought of meeting someone new.

"..Why do I have to meet him?"

'No one would want to meet us'

Dick gave him a weird look. As if he was analyzing him.

"Paying attention now huh?" Dick asked with a raised eyebrow.

Danny blushed lightly, a pink forming over his cheeks. Embarrassed that he was caught zoning out. 

"Other than that, Wally is going to stop by before I head to the mountain." Dick said causally.

Danny smirked. Now was his chance for pay back.

"You mean your boyfriend?" He said slyly.

Dick's mouth dropped open showing the whole world the mushy food he had in his mouth. His face along with his ears turned red.

"HW'S NOT MPH BWYFRIEPH!" Dick all but screamed with his mouth full.

"He better not be."

Both boys turned to look at the member who joined. Bruce walked in with a frown.

Danny looked at Dick and smiled. He gave him a look that basically said, Explain yourself.

Dick fumbled with his words until Bruce shook his head.

"If you are done then go get suit up."

Dick nodded and scurried off the table towards the cave. Danny watched him leave and looked back down at his mushy brown oatmeal.

'They always leave.'

'Shut up'


His head shot up and looked at Bruce.

"You will be joining us today."

His face paled and he dropped his spoon in his bowl which caused the oatmeal to splatter slightly.


Words - 936

So I'm back hi. XD I'll probably be updating this story for two weeks straight so that means one chapter everyday! Yay!!

Each chapter will be published before 3:00pm

The pairing winners are
Wally x Dick
Connor x Danny

See you next time!

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