"Hoseok that is no way to talk to someone like that." Bang-PD scolded and Hoseok scoffed and looked away.

"If she was solo artist then why is she here? Does that mean her career failed? Cause if that's exactly what it means then why bring her here when she will probably bring us down too?" Another boy said, he had a hat on.

"Her career did not fail Yoongi. She works better with others rather then on her own." Bang-PD told him as Yoongi looked away.

"She is actually a fairly talented singer and dancer so I'm positive she will be a perfect asset to your group, she is wonderful at song lyrics and will a perfect addiction for our songwriters. And you can't disagree with me because she's already signed the papers, she's in your group whether you like her or not, and if you don't like her, well we can figure out an alternative." He said as he left with my manger, they closed the door and I didn't dare look at any of them.

"Darling." My head slowly went up to see Namjoon look at me.

"Why don't you sit over there, let's all get to know each other." He softly said as I nodded and took Bang-PD's seat.

"Well i'm Namjoon, you already knew that." He said and chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Look i'm cutting to the chase. Why the hell are you here?" Yoongi snapped and I looked at him wide eyed.

"Calm down Yoongi, let it go." A broad shoulder man said.

"I'm Jin, i'm sorry if these two are a bit of assholes." Jin sympathized.

"It's fine." I said and looked away.

"So you were a solo artist? Do you have any iconic songs?" A boy said as he looked at me.

"Not really, I only had two of my songs make it on the radio, my fans really liked them a lot, But then again I only debuted a year before you guys did." I said as I slouched in my chair.

"Well we should probably introduce the rest of ourselves. The rest are Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. The one by Jin is Hoseok if you didn't catch it, this grump is Yoongi, and the broad shoulder is of course Jin." Namjoon said as he pointed to each boy.

I nodded and looked at each boy quickly and looked away.

"I already met Darling." Taehyung said and I nodded.

"I helped him with your guys' debut choreography and another song too." I said quietly. Most of the guys nodded in appreciation and were impressed.

"So you're a producer, a dancer, a singer, and a song-writer?" Jimin asked curiously and I nodded.

"I kind of rap too, I just do covers, but they're all in English." I said.

"You speak English too?" Jin asked curiously as I nodded.

"I speak Korean, as you could tell. English and Spanish." I said as Jin was wide eyed and impressed.

"Which language was the hardest for you?" Namjoon asked.

"Korean was my first language so it was the hardest that I've learned so far, my dad taught me. Then I learned Spanish from my mother and also from a school course, then English." I told them as they nodded again. Hoseok and Yoongi expressions didn't change once and I shifted uncomfortably.

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