Chapter 24 - Revelation

Start from the beginning

Note to self, change my code.

"Whatever. So what happened anyway?" I asked.

"Well we went back to her place, she was home alone of course. We started kissing and so forth but I couldn't you know..." He said as his cheeks began to change to a deep colour of red.

"Couldn't what? Stop talking in riddles," I said.

"Dude, do I really have to spell it out! I had that stupid girl on my mind ever two damn seconds and I couldn't do anything with Cayce. She looked at me like I was some sort of loser man!" He said as he got up and started to pace up and down.

As the realisation of what he was telling me sank in, I took a deep breath, looked up at him and then burst out laughing.

"Dude this is not funny! I've got a rep you know," he said as he put his hand on the top of his head.

"Sorry man but I thought you were about to tell me you were dying or something but that was just funny. It's simple really, I know what's up," I said as I began to smirk.


"You're whipped," I said as I leant back in the chair and placed my hands behind my head.

"What? Dude either you're on drugs or just stupid, Anthony doesn't get whipped. Don't put me in the same category as you," he said with a serious face that gave away that he was lying.

"Come on man you're talking to me here. You like Jess because she isn't jumping all over you like the chicks that you usually get, it's obvious. You've met your match and you want her," I said as I winked at him and began laughing again.

"Damn! I think you're right. She's driving me crazy man. I've had to leave my cell at home all day just so I don't text her, this ain't right. Dude she's killing my mojo," he said as he placed his head in his hands.

"Yeah but you hooked up with that chick at Murphy's didn't you so it can't be that bad," I replied.

"Not really," he said as he looked at the floor.

"Elaborate?" I said as I began to smirk to myself.

"Well I couldn't, I told you I haven't been able to. She's distracting my mind, it's like my body don't work anymore," he said in a frustrated tone that only made me want to laugh more.

"But you were zipping up your pants when you came down the stairs," I said as I began to laugh.

"Well I had to style it out didn't I, I told you I've got a rep. I don't want to be like Taise," he said with a serious expression on his face.

I couldn't help but laugh again, it was so funny seeing Anthony 'the player' like this.

"Look you want my opinion?"

"I suppose," he mumbled.

"Be honest man. You like her, stop running from it or you'll end up old and miserable," I said as I stood to my feet.

"That's your advice? I should have gone to Taise," he said as a smirk filled his face.

"Shut up dude, you wouldn't get any action for the rest of your life if you go to Taise," I said as we both burst out laughing.

"True but you're all happy and in love now, so you're giving me a girly talk. I need a man to man," he said with a smile on his face.

"Whatever dude. Can we order this pizza now, I'm hungry," I said as I headed towards the kitchen in search of the menu.

"Yeah and make sure it's meaty," he shouted to me as I carried on towards the kitchen.

I let out a small chuckle and headed towards the kitchen draws, where I knew that mom kept all the takeaway menus. Once I found it I started to scan the menu, in search of the most meaty pizza that I could find. When I came across one that had chicken, bacon, ham, pepperoni, sweet corn, pineapple, mushrooms, peppers and onions I knew that Anthony would be pleased.

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