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Summary: Nakajima Atsushi is a traveler, hoping to find her place and role within this cruel world with her own power. When she meets Dazai and the others from the Armed Detective Agency, she wonders if she's finally found it. Fem!Atsushi

Disclaimer: I don't own Bungou Stray Dogs nor any pictures that may be used.


A storm of emotions filled Akutagawa once he heard of Dazai's defection, none  being positive whatsoever. Dazai, a man he greatly respected and looked up to and his mentor, had thrown away everything from Port Mafia just because of a low ranking member's death. Akutagawa could not measure how much Dazai's actions hurt him.

Which was why Akutagawa was walking around the dark alleys in Yokohama, hoping to find some people to kill. He needed a distraction.

Five minutes had passed that he finally found someone: a grey-haired girl leaning against a building, reading a book. She would be easy to off, so he'll have to make sure not to kill her too fast so he can keep his mind distracted as long as possible.

Activating Rashoumon, he attacked the grey-haired girl. Maybe her death could help release some tension from Dazai's betrayal.


When he came to, an unfamiliar ceiling was the first thing in his sight. Looking around, Akutagawa saw he was in a living room of some sort. His body ached and was covered in bandages, his coat and shirt folded nearby.

He tried to remember his last memory before blacking out; if he remembered correctly he was trying to kill someone...

Akutagawa tensed when he heard a small sound and turned his head towards the direction it was coming from. He saw the same girl he was trying to kill, reading a page of the same book Akutagawa first saw her with.

The same girl that beat him up without using an ability. Immediately he tried to get up and attack, but failed and fell back on the couch he laid on. The girl noticed and looked towards him, book forgotten. She put it down and spoke.

"You shouldn't try to stand up right now. I just bandaged your injuries so you'll still be sore and in pain for a bit," she commented.

Akutagawa glared, but she seemed unaffected. Ignoring the girl's words, he once again attempted to get up, managing to sit up against the couch. The girl sighed, watching Akutagawa's actions with keen eyes. There was an uncomfortable silence between them until surprisingly Akutagawa spoke up first.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, woman? Where have you taken me?" Unsurprisingly he was pissed.

The girl just gave a dull stare before giving an empty smile, somewhat unnerving Akutagawa (it was oddly familar). "You're in the place I'm currently staying at. I carried you here to bandage you up after beating you to a pulp." Akutagawa twitched at that.

"I'm leaving," was what Akutagawa attempted to do. Of course, since he could barely move without pain flashing in, he failed miserably; he couldn't even stay standing. The girl's smile got bigger much to Akutagawa's embarrassment and frustration.

"You can barely move without flinching in pain. I suggest you stay here until your friends come pick you up. Which reminds me, call them so they know where to pick you up."

The moment the girl stood up, Akutagawa tensed and watched her move towards his clothes. Rummaging through it (much to his irritation), she took out his phone and turned it on. Scrolling through his contacts (how does she know his password?), the girl dialed one of them and held the phone out to Akutagawa. With a bit of effort and pain, Akutagawa took the phone and held it to his ear; the person on the other end answered at the same moment.

"Akutagawa, where the hell are you?!? Don't randomly disappear on us like that!!!!" It was Chuuya, voice giving away frustration and worry.

Akutagawa was about to answer when he realized he didn't actually know. A piece of paper appeared in front of him, the girl holding it up for him to read. It was the hotel name and room number. The moment he relayed the exact information to Chuuya, the girl went back to her previous seat and continued to read. Needless to say, Chuuya was confused.

"Why did you get a hotel room there? No more importantly, why are you there?"

"I was kidnapped," was Akutagawa's blunt reply.

Once again silence enveloped the area. Glancing at his captor, he saw that she seemed unaffected by Akutagawa's words and simply continued reading. She gave no indication that she heard but he was pretty sure that she was listening to his conversation. Chuuya finally answered back, voice serious.

"Are you alright? Should I send backup?"

As much as Akutagawa would like to say no and yes respectively just to irritate the girl, he had a feeling it wouldn't end well for him and the people who would come.

"I'm fine, she just took me to bandage some injuries I had." The fact that she was the person who inflicted said injuries remained unsaid. "Just come here and pick me up. I can't stand that woman, she irritates me."

The was no immediate reply, Chuuya probably trying to think about what to say in this situation. Not to mention Dazai's defection was more than likely taking a big place in his mind still. Chuuya ended up sighing before speaking.

"Well, I'll come as soon as I can. Make sure to keep your guard up just in case your captor changes her mind and decides to kill you. I'll be there in ten minutes." And with that, the call ended.

Putting the phone aside, Akutagawa did not flinch when keys were dropped in front of him. The book the girl had was nowhere to be found.

"Now that your friend is coming for you, I'll be giving the keys to you. I prefer not to be here when your friend comes and end up in a fight for my life." She went towards the entrance, opening the door. She looked back at Akutagawa, a smirk on her lips and the same dull eyes half-lidded.

"See ya, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke." And with that she left while leaving the door slightly ajar, revealing that she was well aware of his identity the entire time.

Akutagawa felt he was going to explode with anger and annoyance. Instead, he sighed and thought about the woman who was able to beat him so easily without using an ability.

He may or may not developed a grudging respect for her. He did but it's not like he'll admit it out loud anytime soon.

It was days after the incident (he had to write a report, annoyingly, and made sure to insult the girl as much as possible) that he realized he never got her name.

Well, it's not like they're going to meet again. 

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