Thirty-Two: Something In the Rain

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Rey lifted her head to the sky again, a couple drops of rain delicately splashing on her dark, butterfly eyelashes. "I've never experienced rain like this before," she shared with him, taking another breath of all the various scents. "I didn't know how. . .gentle. . .it could be."

"And how does it make you feel?"

Rey met Ben's dark, brooding eyes, feeling a heaviness pressing against her heart dying to burst out of her chest. To answer his question, she listened to what she felt. And she felt like singing to the harmonies of wind, dancing to the grace of raindrops, but didn't know how to so she spun around once more.

"I. . .I feel like dancing," she answered, looking down as her feet crunching the grass beneath her leather boots.

"Then dance," he said, like it was that simple. "Don't mind me here."

Rey bit her lip, shaking her head in denial. "It's just that. . .I don't know any dances," she explained, addressing the white flowers getting carried into the wind. Her light accent drew out the significant meaning of her words, "Or how to dance."

Rey felt more embarrassed of herself as she waited for a response out of Ben. She looked up to him again, wondering why he was silent but saw he too was staring at the ground with tentative eyes, as if he was analyzing the small flowers rooted amongst with the grass. Then in the next moment, his eyes lifted to hers and he was marching right towards her.

Rey opened her mouth, about to say something, suddenly off guard about Ben's further intentions due to the look of determination across his face. Without another word, he came marching up to her until he was towering over her, barely any distance left between them that they were breathing the same air. Rey's breath hitched, her chest clutching so tight she felt like her lungs couldn't operate the way they were suppose to. She closed her mouth, averting her eyes in fear what he may be thinking of doing. So she turned her head to the side, hoping he knew she wasn't quite ready.

And that was when Ben stepped back so he was more of an arms length away, enough distance where Rey could feel her lungs expand.

Ben squared his shoulders, straightening his spine so he was even taller with more dominance in his appearance like he always had back in his Kylo Ren days. Rey continued to analyze his posture, how subtle he gathered himself. It was so unlike him to not position himself like this to be prepared to fight, to take the lead in a battle. There was an elegance in his stance, a gentleness in it that proves he was intending to lead, but also something else. Then, Ben extended his left hand out to her, placing the other just behind his waist.

Her brows furrowed, her eyes narrowing on his hand. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna teach you how to dance," he answered, lifting and dropping his shoulders in a long, slow shrug.

Rey blinked. "You?...Teach me?...How to dance?"

Ben suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. "Well, since I clearly remember you stubbornly turning down all my respectful attempts in allowing me to teach you how to use the Force," he said, tipping his head to the side—to which at the same time Rey scoffed—"dancing seems like a suitable exception."

Rey gawked at this boy that still managed to keep her on her toes. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent her from breaking out into laughter. "When did you learn how to dance?" she asked, fiddling with her hands, silently questioning herself if she should take his hand still stretched out to her.

Ben brushed a few loose strands of hair covering his eyes. "My mother was the princess of Alderaan."

Her eyes widened. "I didn't know that."

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