Chapter 5

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I can't help but feel relieved as the trucks finally reach their destination. The doors open and Wheatley is the first to exit.

"Okay, let's go!"

I stretch once I exit the truck, sighing in relief as I watch Franklin plug some cords into a panel near the door.

I glance at Owen to see him staring at something above us. I stand next to him and follow his gaze, my stomach sinking at how thick the clouds and smoke are above us. Tiny plumes erupt from the side of the volcano, sending black smoke into the air. The whole island seems to be rumbling.

My attention snaps towards the doors as they open. Slowly we all enter the dark and dusty room. I kick at dead leaves as I walk, noticing it smells old. Franklin plugs some more cords into another panel and starts messing around.

"Are we sure the biometrics are still transmitting?" Zia asks. "The battery would be dead by now." I glance around the room and my eyes land on an entrance to a dark tunnel. Well that's a little ominous.

"The dinosaur is the battery, they're powered by body heat and movement," Claire explains. That's neat. And convenient.

I watch in interest as Claire puts her hand on the biometric scanner, and the entire room comes alive. The lights and screens turn back on and the sound of whirring machinery fills the air. We all turn towards the main screen as a map of the island appears, tiny dots scattered all over the place. Those must be all the dinosaurs. Every single one on this island, here in front of us. My eyes scan the map, wondering if Bella is on here somewhere.

"There's a large concentration on the east dock," Franklin states, and I look to where he's pointing. There is indeed a mass of dots where a group of dinosaurs must be.

"That's our boat," Wheatley explains. "We've already captured a bunch of them."

"Without the tracking system?" Claire asks, sounding suspicious. Which I agree with, that does sound strange.

"We picked up herbivores, they were easy to find. Can we isolate that raptor?"

I continue to stare at the dock on the map, still questioning his explanation, but I shrug it off. Those herbivores wouldn't be too hard to pick up, especially the smaller species. We have something more important we have to focus on.

I'm alerted by a beep coming from the computer. The screen focuses on one dot to the north.

"There she is," Owen mutters, stepping closer to the screen. "I'm gonna need to borrow your truck."

"I'm coming with you," I say immediately.

"Me too," Zia says, stepping closer to us. Owen looks between the two of us. I know a part of him wants me to stay here, where I'll be safer, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let him roam that jungle without me, and he knows it too.

"Girls, things could get hairy out there." I turn towards Wheatley. Excuse me? I go to say something to him but Zia beats me to it. She walks right up to him and removes a dart from his vest.

"These are powerful sedatives. One too many and she could have respiratory failure. Also, I'm not as soft and witless as your comment implies." She pats his chest condescendingly and I can't help the smile that grows on my face. I approach him as she walks out the door.

"Don't forget, I trained the T-Rex, so don't underestimate me." I turn and follow Zia out the door.

I find her pacing slowly next to the truck.

"God, what a dick," I say, and she agrees with me. She stops pacing after a few moments and faces me.

"You really trained the T-Rex?" I nod.

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