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   (Rose P.O.V)

Its been three weeks since I've spoken to Jason he constantly calls my phone leaving multiple voice mails, But im done I can no longer live this unhappy life I wanna finally be happy leave Delaware and move somewhere where I can be free, Free to do what I want not even thinking about Jason. But before I do leave I would like to meet him somewhere and talk about a few things. Right when I was about to dial Jason's number he was already calling me. I just shook my head and answered.

"Hello Jason."

"Thank god you answered im so sorry for everything I wanna -"

"Jason just stop you said all you had to say at Daniels apartment now im willing to meet you at a diner so we can talk things over so meet me at Sallys diner on 23rd right now"

I then hung up I didnt have much time to hear his sob story I had to pack and get ready because I was leaving tonight.



I was just now pulling up to the diner and Jason was already there I went and took a seat at his booth. Jason tried grabbing my hands but I quickly pulled away he just look defeated. "Jason im leaving tonight but before I leave I wanna say some things so please shut up and listen." he nodded.

"The abortion was a very hard thing to do I love kids you know this. You were leaving I didnt have a job just doing hair out my home wasnt gone cut it for two years of raising a child keep in mind by myself. I was desperate I didnt wanna have to make you stay because of how when we were just kids you told me that was your dream, Something if you didnt get to do you could never be happy I would never wanna take that away from you. So I had an abortion its not something im proud of but to hear you say these rude things to me and about me I dont deserve it I know your upset but thats no reason to say hurtful shit to me because I've been nothing but faithful and loving to you but the second you come back you bad mouth me and go out and sleeping with other women."

"Rose that was a mistake im s-"

"Jason did I ask you to speak no so shut the fuck up this is my time. Im not even upset about you sleeping with another women why is that? why wouldn't I care that you slept with someone else after 2 years of you being gone and me being completely faithful not even paying attention to another man. Even the ones who constantly hit on me and yes baby there was alot. I came to the conclusion that I no longer love you it took me a while to realize that I confused having love for you and being in love with you and for that im sorry. Jason you'll find someone who will love you someone who understands who you are a women who will treat you like a king I know there's plenty women who will love to have a man like you im so sorry."   I looked into his eyes and saw he was crying

This was a hard thing to do but it had to be said these pass years I havent been happy apart of me blames Jason for my abortion I know thats not right but its true I need to find myself and I cant do that here. It pained me to see him cry I got up to leave but Jason rapped his arms around my stomach while still sitting down and cried into my stomach "Please dont leave me all I ever did was love you please I need you Rose I cant live without you." that made me wanna cry but I stood my ground I've been crying for two years im tired of crying I just wanna be happy.

"Jason I will always love you but I gotta find my happiness I hope you can understand I have to go im sorry."

just like that I was gone not looking back.



I was on my way to the airport I finally packed everything I stopped by a few friends houses before I left im gonna miss them but I gotta do this for me. Walking in I saw Jason this was a total shocker he had on a suit with flowers in his hand.  I walked up to him curious "Jason what are-" he put a finger to my lips.

"Rose you had your turn now it's mines. I love you I never ment to hurt you I never wanna hurt you but thats life we get hurt. I need you in my life Rose you say your no longer in love with me I understand I've been absent in your life the letters wasn't enough I understand you needed me and I wasn't there for you as for the abortion I was upset I said things I didnt mean I love you with all my heart im begging you please dont leave me ill make you fall back in love with me everything from the top we'll start over clean slate please I love you let me make you happy." I didnt realize but I was in tears I just jumped into his arms all of a sudden we heard clapping the whole airport had their attention on us and where clapping I heard someone say, Say something girl.  I just laughed

"We don't have to start over its a clean slate im willing to forgive and forget this time im all in." he then kissed me everyone was still clapping whistling and all I was truly happy forget the trip this is were I wanna be. Everyone soon went about there business and I just threw my plane ticket away we walked out the airport together I looked to Jason "Are you gonna reimburse me?"  Jason just shook his head and laughed.

(Jason P.O.V)

I was so happy I had Rose back I will never hurt her I will try and be a much better person and we will both be in it together."Jason I am im love with you I tried convincing my self I wasn't but I am I do love you always will." I kissed her cheek as we walked to my car my phone had kept going off seven missed calls from Jennifer then a text message came threw and my heart dropped.

"Im pregnant."

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