The Dare prt.5

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The man raised the knife in his hand and sliced Kades cheek, at the same time I stupidly yelled "NOOO!"

They both looked up at me, blood was dripping down Kades face, and I cringed in disgust.

I clamped my mouth shut, and shuffled away from the gaps in the floor. Hopefully they hadn't seen me.

But again...I was wrong.

Part 5:

The next thing I heard were feet pounding up the stairs. Hopefully they will fall, I thought to myself. Large footsteps came even closer, and closer. I heard rattling of keys, and then my door groaned open to reveal the wicked old man, knife still in hand.

I cringed at the sight of it, and scooted back, careful not to land in the puddle of blood. "And where do you think your going?" the man asked with one eyebrow arched questioningly.

"N-no where" I stuttered.

He calmly walked up to me, his old rotting breath blowing on my face. I almost gagged. "That exactly right" he said. He slowly walked back still facing me, and then tripped on his own feet, the knife flying out of his hand and landing on the cold rotting floor with a clatter. I couldn't help it, I laughed but then quickly shut up because of his face.

He walked over to the knife and picked it up, then he started to play with it. "Do you know how much power a knife has?" He smiled evilly. I gulped and shook my head. "Well it has the power of life...or death" His voice had gone cold, and dead just like the look on his face.

"Do I need to teach you a lesson?" he said flipping the knife around in his hand... he thought to himself and then added. "I think you do"

The old man started to walk toward me, the blade of the knife crusted with the blood of Kade. I shivered just waiting for the pain to come.

By now I was up against the wall right under the window.

The man reached for my arm, and held it tightly by the wrist. He put the knife right where the crease opposite of my elbow was. I winced at the cold metal, and crusted blood.

With that he slashed two lines in my arm to form an X. The pain was unbearable and I screamed a blood-curdling scream, while my own blood was spilling out of the gash, and onto the floor, slipping into the gaps and dripping into the room below me. The man had let go of me, and had simply dropped my arm, smiled and left through the door.

Then a thought hit me, if my blood was dripping into the room below, could that mean the dripping sound in the corner of MY room was blood? Oh no, no, no, no.

I curled up into a tight ball while holding my still bleeding arm.

There was a knock at my door, and Kade entered with a canvas bag. He looked at me with wide eyes, and rushed over. The gash on his cheek was cleaned and sewn with black stitches.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered.

"Well I would say it's alright...but its not," I stated back.

"I know, I will help you escape, but you just need patience. Okay?" He gave me a halfhearted smile, and sat next to me.

Kade reached into his bag and pulled out a towel, bottle of water, small bowl, and...a shot. I cringed away from it.

"Its okay, its just to numb the pain so I can stitch it up"

He set the shot down on the towel, and reached for my arm. Putting it on the bowl and then poured the cool water on my cut. He picked up the shot with one hand and wiped my arm with the other.

Gently he pushed the shot into my arm, and pushed down on the syringe to let the medicine flow out. It just felt like a poke compared to the pain of the knife. Very slowly the medicine spread over my arm like a wild fire, it felt warm and comfortable.

After a few minutes Kade took out a needle and black thick string. Then began to sew up my arm, I didn't look, because I knew it would gross me out.

"All done"

I looked at him.

"Thanks" I smiled sadly.

He leaned in closer to me. A little too close.

By now he was only inches away from my lips.

"Umm what are you doing?" I mumbled too shaken by his presence.

"This..." And then he crushed his lips on mine, after a second I kissed him back.

But I knew this was wrong, we were 3 years apart, well at least I thought he was 17.

I pulled away. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?"

I stood up, and wobbled a bit.

"Your 17!"

He laughed. "Noo more like just turned 16"

"And I'm about to turn 15" I smiled. Was it still wrong? I felt like I was cheating for some reason, on Sam.

He sighed and hugged me.

"I will help you okay?"

He then left.

A few minutes later, Kade came back with a pillow and blanket.

"Thank you so much" I smiled.

"No problem. Bye" Then he left for the night.

I could hear bats screeching outside, and crows scratching the window.

All I knew of was one thing, and that was I was going to get out alive...or die trying.

Wasnt expecting that were you? haha :) hope you liked it!

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