Smoke and Mirrors part 2

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Mason's study session had been cut when he got a call from Liam. Liam had asked if he could help him look for Lydia Martin. He sounded as if finding her was a matter of life and death and Mason had a feeling that Liam wasn't alone, wherever he was, and he could hazard a guess who was with him. Again, Liam was involved in something odd that involved that group of juniors but it was clear that he needed his help so Mason was on it. He checked the parking lot and found her car and told Liam as soon as he found it. His friend asked if he could search the school for her and tell her that the rest of them had to go on ahead. Mason started to scour the halls in search of her. The school was mostly empty around this time so his footsteps sent a bit of an echo with every one he made. One by one, he looked into every classroom he passed but there was no sign of Lydia, or anyone else. He went tried calling the girl's phone and he froze when he heard a faint tone start playing. He followed the sound and found that there was a phone lying on the ground at some stair with a handbag. It looked like they had been dropped there.

"No wonder she's not answering," he mumbled as he picked the phone up. He then looked and saw the phone open to a photo of something resembling a weird animal like skull. "What the hell?" Now Mason couldn't help but feel a bit worried.

And he was right to as Lydia had been running from the Berserker that had attacked her. After it surprised her at Kira's locker, she ran off and tried to call Stiles and the others for help but it chased her and she ended up dropping it and her stuff when it managed to grab her. That very Berserker caught sight of Mason and started to advance on him. He looked up from the phone to see the very thing in the photo now slowly stomping for him and he gasped just before it pounced for him. Everything blacked out after that and the next thing Mason knew, he was being gently stirred.

"Mason, hey Mason," he heard a girl mutter to him.

When he fully came to, he quickly sat up and saw that it was Lydia who was touching him. "Lydia?" he coughed out.

She seemed a bit ruffled but not too worse for wear. "Yeah, you okay?" she asked him.

Mason blinked a bit as he tried to clear the lingering fogginess in his head. "Yeah," he said trying to get himself to sit upright. He looked around and saw that they were in the basement of the school. "Uh, there was this guy...he was big and wearing some kind of freaky mask."

Lydia nodded. "Yeah, same thing happened to me."

He went for his pocket but his eyes widened when he saw that it was empty. "My phone. It's gone."

She sighed. "Yeah, it took mine too. I think that's the point."

"What's he going to do to us?" he asked trying to hold in his urge to lose it and panic.

"I don't know," Lydia breathed out. "But whatever it is, it doesn't want us to leave."

Mason couldn't help but notice that Lydia seemed quite calm and casual given the situation. Clearly, they are both in deep trouble but she is keeping herself steady and not panicking. Now that he thought about it, when he had gone to Scott and Stiles for help in finding Liam, they were roughly the same way. Scott was worried when he learned Liam had gone missing but hadn't panicked and instead gave Mason instructions to keep an eye out and call him while he went off to look for him. And as concerned as he was, Stiles was methodical in how he handled the news of Liam's disappearance, questioning Mason about everything he knew and went off without another word to go on the search. It was as if these guys were used to dealing with danger like it was in their routine. Clearly, whatever they and Liam were involved in, it must be more serious than he thought. Especially with how Lydia just answered him.

"Lydia, why do you keep saying it?" But Lydia didn't answer him because they began to hear a deep snarling sound start echoing through the hall of the basement. "What is that thing?" he whispered to her.

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