Chapter 2

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Ash's pokemon: Pidgeotto

Leafs pokemon: Pidgeotto

Gary's pokemon: Nidoran[Male]

6 Years later

It's Ash's 14th birthday and things with his mom haven't changed since Giovanni left. He got abused daily leaving temporary marks while some were permanent. Oak threatened to call the cops after seeing the marks but Ash told him not to. His dad would barely come home and his mom was his last family member. Oak understood but threatened that if he saw him in the hospital again, he's spilling the truth. Ash nodded.

For Ash's 14th birthday he was going to get his first pokemon. He hugged his mom goodbye and she surprisingly didn't hit him. Instead she just said, "Goodluck my dear." This surprised Ash but he didn't think any of it. He was just happy he wasn't getting beat before leaving, and that he didn't have to see this woman. He made his way to Professor Oaks laboratory and found Leaf and Gary on the couch waiting for him.

"There you are Ashy Boy!" Teases Gary, "We thought you were never gonna come." Ash scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Hehe, I kinda...woke up late." Gary and Leaf sweatdropped at this.

"Same old Ash." Leaf added. "Your just lucky we waited for you, or we would've taken a Pokémon and left. Ash sighed in relief, the professor then walked in with a coffee mug and yawned.

"Good morning kids, you ready to get your first pokemon!" The trio shouted in excitement, ready to see the choices. Gary chose Squirtle, and Leaf chose Bulbasuar. There was no more pokeballs left and ash frowned in disappointment. "Oh yeah, I forgot I gave the charmander to this kid yesterday."

"Wait, can I have Pikachu instead?" Professor Oak thought about it then remembered that day when Ash made a promise to it, telling it that he would be his starter. Oak smiled and nodded. He went to the back of the laboratory and got a pokeball with a lighting mark on it.

Ash took it and let out the electric mouse pokemon. The Pikachu looked around ready to fry its trainer alive, but then saw it was Ash and quickly went up on his shoulder and rubbed his face on Ash's cheek. "That Pikachu sure is unique, he's never like being in a pokeball. No wonder he came out all angry." Samuel Oak stated. Ash nodded and asked Pikachu, "Wanna stay on my should during our journey Pikachu?" Pikachu nodded and pumped his fist in the air telling ash that he does. Ash smiled at his new Pokémon.

The trio parted ways. Gary decided to go alone as he wanted to learn on his own, while Leaf wanted to go with Ash because she was scared to go alone, and because she likes him. They both went different ways in route 1, and they vowed that next time they see eachother, they're gonna have an intense battle.

Ash and Leaf were traveling route 1 and spotted many Pokémon. There were pidgey's, ratatas and more. Leaf and Ash were wandering around when they found a white riolu injured on the ground. It had slash marks all over its body and was barely breathing. "Oh shit what do we do!?" Leaf panicked.

"We aren't that far from Viridian City, we can go there and take it to the pokemon center. They both ran through route 1 but were chased by a herd of spearows. Ash and Leaf were running for their lives while the Spearows pecked at them.

"What did you do Pikachu to piss of this many Spearows." Pikachu frowned and disappointment, he was hungry while the gang found a riolu so he climbed a tree inhabited by Spearows so he accidentally tackled one off trying to get an apple. Pikachu wasn't gonna let these Spearows stop them from getting Riolu safe, he was gonna completely destroy all of them.

"Pika Pikachu!" Ash stopped running and looked back due to the fact that Pikachu literally jumped towards them. Pikachu launched a thunderbolt to the sky causing clouds of thunder to rain over the Spearows, the Spearows screeched in pain and flew off, completely terrified of what this little Pokémon can do. Leaf took out her Pokédex and scanned Pikachu, she found out that the move he used was called thunder.

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