[00: So she said...]

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Em & M

[00: So she said...]

Emery and Mark had been best friends since kindergarten and everyone expected that they'll one day grow up, get married, and have adorable babies. That's cool and all, but really, these things never worked out like they do in books. I mean, as much as I wanted to see little Emery-Mark munchkins, Mark is so my Knight in Shining Armour. Not hers, contrary to popular beliefs.

If you expect this to be one of those I-fell-in-love-with-my-best-friend cliché, then, baby, this is not the book for you, because this story is how I am going to make Mark Garamond understand that I'm the one for him and that his story doesn't have to follow some stupid platitude.

My name is Avery White and this is how my prince fell in love with me.

(PS: And not with Em).

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