Chapter 1

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My eyes open slowly as I wake up, my gaze focusing on the rays of light stretching across the wall. I take a deep breath as I allow my brain a few moments to really wake up. I blink a couple times and shift my gaze to my arm draped over Owen's chest, and slowly I follow his body until my eyes meet his. He stares down at me with a lazy smile plastered on his face. My lips curve into a smile to match.

"Good morning," he mutters, his voice low.

"Mm mornin'," I mumble, sleep still fogging my mind. I lift my hand from his chest and cover my mouth as I yawn. I chuckle as he yawns right after me and grabs my hand before I can place it back on his chest. He gingerly rubs his fingers over the place my two fingers used to be, and the smiles fall from our faces. I suddenly remember my dream from last night and frown.

"How long have you been awake?" He intertwines his fingers with mine and focuses on my face.

"Thirty minutes or so."

"Jeez," I whisper, still staring at our hands. "You should've waken me up."

"But you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you. And even better, you can't make fun of me in your sleep."

I force myself to give him a small smile.

"I don't need to be awake for that, you embarrass yourself just fine."

"This is what I'm talking about!" I laugh lightly, but my smile slowly disappears as I keep thinking about the dream.

"Hey." Owen gently nudges me to get my attention, and I cast my gaze to his face. "You okay?" I sigh.

"I dreamed about her again." He frowns as well.

"Well, hey, it's been a while since you've dreamed about her, right?" I lower my eyes back to our hands.

"Yeah, I guess."

Suddenly my body is pushed over so I'm lying on my back, and Owen is hovering over me.

"That life is behind us, okay? All we can do is move on and trust they're handling themselves." I nod as I stare into his eyes, only inches above mine. Slowly he lowers his head, closing the space between us. I can't help but reach my hand up at the last minute and poke his nose, stopping him.

"Boop," I whisper, a grin slowly spreading across my face. He drops his head in defeat and sighs, chuckling. I start giggling too as he lifts his head and glares at me, smiling. He pushes my hand out of the way and connects his lips to mine, and my eyes flutter closed. I reach up and run my fingers through his hair, trying to pull him closer. He molds to me perfectly. His lips are soft against mine, and I hum in satisfaction as I continue to smile through the kiss.

He pulls away and stares at me for a moment.

"You're such a dork," he informs me, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to my forehead. I giggle as he pushes himself up and off the bed.

"I know," I reply, happier now, as I push myself up. He reaches out for my hand.

"Come on, if we don't get up now we'll spend all day in bed."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I take his hand anyway and allow him to pull me off the bed. I groan as I lift my arms and stretch, my shirt lifting up a bit to expose my stomach. I feel Owen poke me in the side and I lower my arms.

"Noo," I whine, shaking his arm in retaliation. He just laughs at me and heads towards our tiny kitchen, leaving me next to the bed. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, deciding I may as well clean myself now that I'm awake.

I grab one of Owen's shirts from his drawer and a pair of pajama shorts and enter the tiny shower.

The RV is empty when I step out. I throw my clothes in the growing laundry pile in the corner and take a deep breath, the scent of coffee in the air. I follow the scent to the kitchen and pour myself a cup, adding my usual sugar and cream, because only monsters drink black coffee.

I follow the sound of construction outside. As usual, Owen is perched atop a ladder, trying to build this house. He's humming quietly to himself as I approach, and a small smile blooms on my lips.

"Looking good up there!" I call out, getting his attention. He glances at me and does a double take.

"Can't you ever wear any of your clothes?"

"Yours are more comfortable!"

"I can't argue with that." He turns back and continues working on the house. I look over the wood frame, trying to reach the realization that we're going to be living in a house, an actual house, for the first time in three years. Not an RV. A house we built from scratch. I look back at Owen.

"I seriously can't believe we're building a house." He glances down at me, an amused expression on his face.

"What 'we?' I'm the one doing all the work!"

"I'm here for moral support!" I state defensively. He just scoffs and keeps working, now ignoring me.

"Fine, I'll go inside and relax while you do all the heavy lifting, mister manly man. Clearly you don't need my moral support." I jokingly scoff back and head inside, sipping on my coffee. A part of me feels a little bad for leaving him out there but another part of me enjoys being inside on a comfortable couch, so I decide to stay.

I squint my eyes in focus at a stack of movies next to the TV. I force myself to get up long enough to pick a movie, then I sit back down. I smile to myself as Guardians of the Galaxy loads and starts playing. I sip my coffee in content as I settle down.

About an hour later Owen walks in the door, sweaty and apparently thirsty. He goes straight for the fridge and starts chugging a cold bottle of water. I furrow my brows at the screen at Starlord and turn around to look at Owen. I smile to myself.

"Owen!" He stops drinking and looks at me. "I just realized, you look a lot like Starlord." He furrows his brows at me and approaches me.

"I look like who?" I point at the screen.

"Starlord." He watches the movie for a few moments and shakes his head.

"I don't know, I don't think we look that similar."

"Come on, you look just like him!" He keeps shaking his head at me.

"I mean, for one, I'm way more attractive than he is, look at him." I sigh and turn around in defeat.

"Fine, whatever you say, Starlord." A smile creeps onto my face as he ruffles my hair and walks out the door.

He totally looks like Starlord.

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