Hela x Male Reader

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(Y/N) Pov

There I was on my deathbed in the Hospital. My friends and family were all around me with saddened faces. It would only be a matter of minutes before I was gone. I heard a feminine voice start to talk to me in my head.

???: We will be together soon darling. I will be waiting for you.

I could fell death creeping up on me. I smiled at my Mom and Dad as they smiled back with tears in their eyes. I slowly began to close my eyes. Then everything went black.

1 Minute Later

I woke up to see darkness all around me.

???: Hello (Y/N)

I turned to see a skeleton wearing a black robe. It was Death. Death had the voice of a female, but it wasn't the voice I heard in my head.

(Y/N): Hello Death.

Death walked up to me and got really close to me.

(Y/N): Where are you going to take me?

Death: To Hel.

(Y/N): Oh

I felt sad knowing that I was going to be tortured for eternity. Death put her skeletal hand on my cheek.

Death: Do not worry my dear. It's not the Hel you think it is. I'm taking you to a friend. Now take my hand!

I took Deaths hand, and we teleported instantly. We came to a place that was really cold. There were spirits walking around us towards some place.

Death: This is as far as I will go. I'm pretty sure you will find your way.

Death vanished.

I began to walk along the path following the souls. The dead souls were walking on to a bridge.

(Y/N): I guess that's where I go.

I started to walk on the bridge, but I was then picked up. I looked to see a big creature with with grey skin and tusks on the side of his face.

 I looked to see a big creature with with grey skin and tusks on the side of his face

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???: My Mistress demands that I bring you to her palace.

(Y/N): Who are you?

???: My name is Garl.

(Y/N): Can you put me down Garl?

Garl: Sorry.

He put me back on the ground.

Garl: Follow me.

I followed Garl to a palace that was bigger then your average palace. The doors opened and everything was a little brighter so I could see.

Garl: Just keep walking.

Garl went back outside.

I walked on a dark green carpet. The temperature of the room was warm. It was better than outside. A woman appeared out of know where in a maid outfit. She looked human

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