Chapter 21

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Ray pov
"What did you betray us?" Finn yells at me. " i never betrayed anyone i did what was best for Y/n!" yelled back. " she did the right thing both y/n and Lord Ren need each other" Phasma say coming from on the ship after coming back from surveying the area. Both Poe and Finn point their blaster at her until Y/n ran in and hug her.

" kid get way from her Poe say. "why?she my friend" y/n say. " she dangerous" Finn said. " "FN-2187, we have had her difference but i only serve Lord Ren and Y/n" now her wellbeing is the only thing that matters."why do I find that so hard to believe? we shouldn't trust her. In fact, I say that we don't trust any of them except for Rey. He's  obviously controlling her and the child  somehow" Finn said.

Kylo walked on the ship and lets out a low growl and heads towards Finn and Poe but Leia stops them all. "All this arguing isn't going to solve anything. We need to work together if we want to restore balance to the Galaxy once more." Leia say.

" we many not like each other but my mother is right. I have done a lot of bad things but I am willing to right my wrongs if it means y/n and have a safer future.

After going through the plan we set off to get on the Snoke's ship. A hollow message of Lei show up with a frightened look on her face " Ben I sorry but have you seen Y/n anywhere " Leia say worried.

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