Chapter 7 - Across one ocean, through another - part 1

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 Eliana dropped into a dive. Khyros may have already died, but she had no idea how human injuries affected them. So she didn't want to take any risks. But Khyros was falling really fast, and they were no higher than two thousand feet. Not to mention that if he was seen, it would make things even more of an ineffable mess.

Come on! She urged herself mentally.

She could see Khyros trying to steady himself, but his wing didn't seem to want to respond. And the ground was coming closer alarmingly fast. Eliana pushed on harder and finally managed to grab his wrist. But they were already too close to the ground. She managed to prevent him from crashing too hard, but they both hit the floor, falling on top of each other.



It was so chaotic it took Eliana a few moments to realise she was leaning on Khyros's chest, with a very good view of his face. His red skin, his tousled hair, his deep dark eyes...

"Sorry," she gasped and quickly moved away.

"Never mind... Thanks for the save," he said. "But I suggest we give flying a rest for a while."

"Agreed." Eliana said. "There's bound to be a ship crossing to Venezuela or Colombia."

"You do realise that implies sneaking on board?" Khyros pointed out.

"Well, we don't have much choice. And it's safer that way anyhow, because it'd be difficult to know which way to go over the ocean. Not to mention if one of us gets into trouble, we'll most likely land in the water, and then we'll be finished."

"Point taken," he conceded. "But how will we know which one goes where?"

"We'll just have to look and keep our eyes and ears open."

So they spent most of the day listening to dockers and trying to determine which boat was going to South America. But after five hours with nothing helpful, they were beinning to feel discouraged. They were sitting in a corner, trying to figure out their next move when Eliana heard something that made her pause.

"¡Son dos idiotas! Sois incapaz de hacer nada bien!"

"No es nuestra culpa, el mar era hostil..."

"DOS DÍAS DE PESCA PERDIDOS! Queréis arruinarme?"

"¡No, por supuesto!"

"What is it?" Khyros asked, noticing how still she'd become.

"Shh!" she said.

"Don't shush me-" began Khyros.

Eliana hushed him again. A tall, burly man was yelling at two other men who seemed to be his employees.

"Entonces que proponeis para reparar los daños?"

"Eliana, what is it?" Khyros asked Eliana.

"Shh!" she said again.

"No sabemos... no tenemos el dinero para reembolsar... pero vamos a trabajar más ... " Said one of the employees.

"¡Es más probable que ustedes dos se me costó aún más dinero!" The burly man retorted.

"¡Pero, jefe...!" The other employee began.

"¡No quiero escucharlo! ¡Sois despedidos! ¡Partid!" The burly man shouted.


"¡No quiero saber! ¡Fuera de mi vista!"

Eliana watched as the two men walked off.

"Come on," she said suddenly, catching Khyros's wrist.

"Eliana, what are you doing?!"

"We need a boat, right? I think I know how to find one."

Khyros stared.


"Just follow me!"

She ran up to the tall man.

"¡Señor! ¡Un momento por favor!"

He looked around.

"¿Que?" he demanded gruffly.

"... No... No he podido reprimirme de oír su conversación..." Eliana said. "¿Y creo entender que busca ayuda?"

"¿Quizas... porque?" the burly man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Tengo una proposición. Debe atravesar el océano, no? Ir en Colombia o Venezuela?" Eliana asked.

"Si, es verdad... mi empresa es basada en el puerto de Caracas."

Eliana almost whooped right there. She kept a straight face, however and said:

"Lo que propuesto es que nos toma sobre su bote, y nosotros le ayudemos."

The man looked them over for a moment.

"Habéis ya pescado?" He asked when he'd finished.

"... No... pero aprendemos rápido. Y ganará el tiempo de buscar alguien otro." Eliana said.

He seemed to ponder for a moment.

"Vale. Bastará el tiempo atravesar y buscara alguien allí."

Eliana's face brightened.

"¿Verdad? ¡Gracias! No será decepcionado."

The man jerked his thumb behind him.

"Venid conmigo."

Eliana tugged Khyros and followed.

"Okay, you have to explain what's going on, now." Khyros said as they walked.

"He just fired two employees." Eliana explained. "Something they did cost him two days' worth of fishing. He's going to Caracas in Venezuela. He'll take us if we help him."

"... Seems fair." Khyros said.

"Yes, that's what I thought." Eliana agreed.

"Where did you learn Portuguese?" Khyros asked.

Eliana laughed.

"It wasn't Portuguese, it was Spanish," she smiled. "Brazil's the only country in South America to speak Portuguese."

"So we have a boat?"

"We have a boat," Eliana said proudly.

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