Her shoes went missing frequently, and though the kind girl had said it was just the nargles, Iris was beginning to suspect it was a group of particularly mean Ravenclaw girls that Luna shared a dormitory with.

And though they took her stuff and made fun of her creatures, Iris had never seen or heard Luna say one bad thing in return. Perhaps that was why the two became friends fast, they both tried to look on the positive side of things no matter how difficult the situation was.

"Finally! I found it." Iris rolled over in her bed, watching Harry start scribbling down what was written on the page.

"I told you," Iris whispered across the room to her brother.

"Yeah, yeah. You're a genius," he whispered back sarcastically, used to her always being right.

The twins then heard footsteps coming down the hallway outside their bedroom door, and Harry quickly shoved the book and piece of parchment he was writing on under his sheets as the two ducked under their covers, pretending to be asleep.

The door swiftly opened to reveal their Uncle Vernon peering into the room suspiciously, looking for any sign of the two being awake.

When he didn't see anything, he withdrew from the room, closing the door behind him.

Harry and Iris immediately popped back up, and Harry brought the book back out and continued reading through the page, "Oh, well this is loads better. Everything's just on this one page."

A bright smile lit up his face, making Iris smile proudly at her brother.

The light in the hallway snapped on, and quickly, Iris threw her covers up to her shoulders, and Harry flattened his textbook against himself and tugged the sheets over his body, feigning sleep.

Seconds later, their bedroom door eased open to show Uncle Vernon as he peered in once more switching on the light.

The room was utterly silent. Slowly, he closed the door.

"I think I'm done for tonight," Harry said rolling the sheets back and walking over to their small desk to put his book down.

Sitting on top of the desk was a little cage for Iris' cat, Buttercup. When Iris had brought her home this summer, her Aunt and Uncle were less than thrilled and said she could only keep it if it stayed outside.

Iris turned her head toward the little digital clock the siblings shared, that sat on her nightstand, to see it was only an hour until their birthday.

"Happy almost birthday, Harry," she whispered to him as he crawled back into his bed.

"Happy almost birthday, Iris," he whispered back.

⌗ ⌗ ⌗

The next morning, Iris and Harry trudged down the stairs and walked into the kitchen to find their Aunt and Uncle up and eating breakfast.

Uncle Vernon was dressed and ready to leave the house, which confused Iris, as she was sure they had no plans for the day.

The two Dursleys, as usual, ignored the twins as they walked to the refrigerator to get some food.

Even after all those years, Iris still had a small part of her that always hoped that one year, she and Harry would hear the words 'Happy Birthday' being said to them by their unwanted family.

Sadly, she didn't think that time would come for a long while, if at all.

Nothing was said as their Aunt and Uncle finished up with their eggs and toast, just the sound of forks hitting the plates.

In The End ⁂ H. Potter TwinWhere stories live. Discover now