o. My Salvation

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"What can you say when your pack is on the verge of total destruction?


With her pack in ruins, she had no one else to turn to but him. The conditions he set were possible, but she had little to no choice.

Could things get even more complicated?"


Another one I will be reading again soon.

This book is everything, it's so good. It has the right amount of drama, it makes me feel actual emotions, the characters are just plain amazing and the plot is just wow.

The writing, it's great. It is very organized and easy to follow, very nice looking.

The cover is also pretty great. I know that it's better to focus on the story itself but I do look at covers. I'm very guilty at using covers to help me decide whether or not I'll read something.

Anyway, I highly suggest reading My Salvation. I'm going to start reading it again as well, I also need to like the chapters because I used to be one of those silent readers and I stopped doing that, kind of, recently. Of course, I still forget to do it but I go back and do the whole star thing after I read it.

Blank|Written by EnchantressSkittlez

Blank|Written by EnchantressSkittlez

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the description of the book itself was changed at one point, but i just updated it. there is also a longer description within the book, rather than on the cover page.

the entirety of the book's chapters were taken down for editing, but the author is currently not active. i am unsure if the full book will be posted again in the future, or if the author now posts somewhere else.

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