"Do talent competitions usually give you a prize for trying?" The general asks drolly.

"Shut up," Namjoon spats waving it off. "He'll be fine."

It was to say that Seokjin definitively did not feel fine.

It was incredible how completely out of breath he is, how much sweat is dripping down his body and how every muscle in his body aches as if a herd of cows had stepped on him.

Currently, he is on the floor gasping for air. Tae was running to get him a bottle of water while Hoseok and Jimin were massaging down his arms and legs.

"Hoseok," the elder gasps, his pink hair drenched in sweat, "I'm not going to make it. Take care of Tae for me please."

Hoseok rolls his eyes. How rude. "Hyung, you're not going to die."

"Sure feels like it."

"I got water!" Taehyung exclaims, running over and handing Jin the bottle.

The pink hair male basically yanks it out of his hands and chugs it down. Jimin watches, a worried look on his face. "Hyung, maybe you should ask to skip the next session."

"He'd have to come back tomorrow and work twice as hard," Tae concurs, helping his brother sit up against the mirror. "No point on him coming back tomorrow night with twice the will to die."

"I can do it," Seokjin replies confidently, his breath evening out. "I can keep going. Just need to lay here for about ten more minutes."

"Is he okay?" Someone asks behind them.

The four men turn around. The Prince is eyeing Seokjin on the ground, his expression seeming worried.

"He's fine," Taehyung replies rather curtly. "Just needs to rest a bit."

Jungkook nods, not very reassured. He placed a hand on the younger Kim's shoulder, "And um," a blush was slowly rising on his face, "are you okay too?"

Taehyung just nods, takes a step back. Jungkook brings his hand down. Plays it cool. Tries to at least. "Alright. Let me know if you need anything."

Jimin watches the prince walk away. "I think he likes you, Tae," he pipes up once the Prince was at a good distance from them.

Taehyung glances at the raven-haired male,  Jimin's brows were pressed together. Taehyung grabs his hand, pats it in his palm. "Nah," he tells him, "He's just weird, Jiminie."

Jimin doesn't let it go.

"I'm pretty sure he was trying to flirt with you."

"You call that flirting?" Hoseok asks, laughing at the thought.

The black haired boy smacks him on the arm. "He may not be very good at it, but he was definitely trying!" Jimin protests. "You can't blame him for being awkward. He's probably never interacted much with anyone other than his siblings."

"Well his noona is probably the same, but look at her," Hoseok said. He pointed to where the Princess was laughing away with a few candidates, touching their sweaty biceps and giggling away. "It's funny when you remember that some candidates here are Bi or Pan, so some of those guys really could be into her."

Jimin doesn't say anything. His eyes are still narrowed towards the prince. "He was definitely flirting," he mutters. "I'm sure of it."

Hoseok and Jin share a look between them. Taehyung is the one to step in and hugs little Jimin from behind and pats his head. "Forget it Jiminie. He's probably just being nice cause Jin-hyung is my brother." Taehyung smiles. "He'll be my brother-in-law too if Jin-hyung marries the king."

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