Chapter Two

Mulai dari awal


With that, I shut my phone. I was not having it at this moment, my head was killing me and I really wanted coffee but it was too late and I wouldn't sleep at all, I needed my sleep so I can get up for fajr. 

I closed my eyes trying to think of something that help my racing heart calm down,but at this point, nothing was calming me down. I wanted tomorrow to come so this heart of mine to calm down. 

I kept turning on my sides looking at the time, it was 3 in the morning and fajr was in an hour. I don't know what to do. 

I took a deep breath in and grabbed my counter that was sitting on my side table. I put the counter on my finger and started reciting a couple of surah and names of Allah. 

The next thing I knew I was fast asleep. 

The next morning I was exhausted. I woke up an hour later to read fajr then again I had trouble to sleep because of my headache. 

I was on the train to Uni  with my second cup of coffee in the last 1 hour. It was helping but i'm going to start to feel light headed later. 

Once I was in class I took a seat next to Ayesha. "You look tired honey" Ayesha whispered to me as I took a notebook out. 

"Walikumsallam to you too" I replied rolling my eyes. 

"Just saying girl" Ayesha exclaimed

"I could hardly sleep last night, I didn't even finish my readings" I told her. I saw a slight smile forming on her face. She was so weird at times, at times I have no idea what in the world she is saying or thinking. 

"Explain the smile" I said to her as I was writing down the date. 

"Hide those bags before Hamza see's, he might know you were thinking of him all night" I widened my eyes at her turning around to her

"WHAT" I whispered yelled. how did she know?

"Do you Miss. Zafar have anything you like to share with the class?" 

The professor looked at me and I bet everyone's eyes were on me, but I had no idea because I was sitting right infront

"No sir" I replied looking down. 

"Alright then" the professor continued on with his lecture that he started.

I moved my hand underneath the table and poked Ayesha in the arm. I could hear her laugh slightly. 

So I guess Hamza and Ayesha speak, I really now want to know how she knows and who told her, but I had to wait two hours till I can ask her and eventually scold her for saying that in class and saying it first thing in the morning.

Those two hours felt like two days and at the end of it I just wanted to grab Ayesha and get her to spit out everything she knew. 

Once I was done packing my books in my bag I got up and grabbed Ayesha's arm.

"WOAH girl calm down" Ayesha Exclaimed. 

"You have explaining to do so let's go," I told her and made her walk in front of me as fast as she could. 

Once we got out of the lecture hall I grabbed the seats right outside and sat down Ayesha down.

"Explain to me how you know and who told you? It wasn't even supposed to be something for anytone to know of" I told her

Ayesha had a smirk plasterd on her face. I raised my eyebrows waiting for an answer looking right in to her brown eyes. 

"Okay so um... Danya was told by Hamza that he was busy today, they were supposed to go somewhere but he said no and when Danya asked he told her he was meeting someone and I guess they said your name" Ayesha said crossing her arms


"Well then Danya asked me if I knew anything and I was quite shocked myself and well tell me what this is all about?" Ayesha asked me 

I rolled my eyes. I guess Hamza didn't want to lie so he was honest but many things were going through my head. Why was I thinking good of Hamza? What if he didn't care about telling anyone?

"Well we met at the library the other day and he and I were sitting at the same table working, later he contacted me on facebook and um we both wanted to talk after that, just as like two people," I told her leaving out many things. 

She wouldn't understand first and I kind of want things to be kept private unless I need to tell them. I'd rather keep things to myself then tell others and Ayesha understood that quite well at times which is why she doesn't force me to tell her everything.

"Just like two people huhhhh..." Ayesha winked at me 

I slapped her lightly on the arm "yes like two modest people" I told her getting up. I had to get to my next class and so did she. 

"Fine, Fine but I kind of would like to know what happened," Ayesha said smirking at me. I shook my head putting my hand on my forehead. 

"Sure...I have to get to class" Ayesha nodded and we both said Sallam to each other and parted our ways. 


I was done with most of my classes now the only class that was left was my English which was at 5:30. I was walking slowly towards the library it was a 15 min walk from my campus. I had earbuds in my ear listening to music. I use to be a big fan of the weekend and that stuff but I stopped listening to them only because I wasn't a fan of their vulgar music. 

I looked at my wrist watch and it was 3:54 by the time I reached in front of the library. I found a tree to sit under and rest my head on. I was tired really tired, I have not had lunch and I was living off of coffee with almost just two hours of sleep. 

Keeping my eyes open now was becoming a struggle and I didn't want to get another coffee because it wouldn't be healthy I already had three. Yes I got another one before my third class.

People know that that is all I drink. I use to drink chai but it became to light for me in caffeine so now I have got addicted to coffee with extra espresso.

I suddenly jumped at someone tapping my shoulder.

I turned around seeing it was Hamza who was laughing. I rolled my eyes getting up and taking out my earbuds.

"Sallamulikum" Hamza said in between his laughs

"Walikumsallam" I replied

"How are you?... Sorry that was so  funny" Hamza said grinning 

"Alhumdulliah and well yeah lol what did you expect," I told him furrowing my eyebrows towards him. 

"Right okay, Well I haven't eaten so I was thinking of grabbin a bite. Have you eaten?" Hamza asked me 

"Um no" and that very minute I looked up at him. He had big brown eyes which sparkled and his beard was perfectly trimmed and shaped around his face. He was smiling with his eyes looking directly down at me. 

Forever... MaybeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang