26: Overwatch

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This time, Yeri's jaw dropped. 'Wait! You play Overwatch?!'

Jungkook furrowed his brows, 'Yeah... why?'

'I love Overwatch!' Yeri exclaimed, her mouth still wide open and her eyes gleaming.

Jungkook's eyes widened, 'No way! Really?!' he questioned, astonished.

Yeri nodded enthusiastically, 'It's my favourite! I played it all the time before I got too busy with our comeback!'

'No way.. You're joking, right?!' Jungkook continued to say in utter disbelief. He already liked Yeri but this new fact made him fall for her ten times more. He was almost obsessed with Overwatch and had always dreamed to game with his future girlfriend, but knew that thought would probably be too good to be true since he'd rarely hear girl players whilst playing the game. He seriously would never have thought that a Red Velvet member would share his love for Overwatch.

'Shall we play now?! I already have it up, I was playing it before you came!' he confessed cutely, jumping up in excitement.

Yeri, equally excited, jumped up too in agreement. 'Yes!' she squealed, a massive grin on her face.

Irene got up and grabbed Yeri's arm. 'Um.. you're not leaving me!' she spoke, her grip tightening around Yeri's wrist.

Yeri broke in to the cutest puppy dog face. 'Oh, please! Unnie, you know how much I love Overwatch!!' she begged, pouting.

'Then what am I going to do! You're the one who dragged me here!!' Irene retorted, frowning.

Yeri gave a massive deep sigh. 'You can come watch us! Pleaseee'

Irene rolled her eyes and grunted in response. 'Fine, but watch when we're back in our dorm, maknae' she threatened, earning a victorious squeal from Yeri.

A solid 25 minutes had passed and Yeri was currently playing her second match. Herself and Jungkook had to swap every round since Overwatch didn't have a multiplayer mode, but they didn't mind switching and observing the other.

Jungkook was definitely surprised at how well Yeri played. He really couldn't believe she loved Overwatch as much as he did - it felt like a dream that he didn't want to ever wake up from.

He was currently sat on the edge of his bed, Yeri occupying his special gaming chair. He glanced at her and grinned when seeing her concentrated frown at the screen opposite her. She'd occasionally shout during the game and tense up when things got a little intense; it was endearing, really, and Jungkook felt like he could watch her play for hours.

Irene, on the other hand, was not as pleased. She had been awkwardly sitting on the opposite edge of Jungkook's bed, completely silent whilst scrolling through her phone. It was as if the couple were completely oblivious to her existence and she couldn't wait to get out from this place and return to her other members. Sure, she was happy for Yeri, but why on earth had she had to be dragged here to only be treated as some expired carton of milk!

'YESSSS!!' Yeri shrieked, garnering Irene's attention for a second. She simply rolled her eyes, whilst Yeri and Jungkook double-high-fived each other with victorious grins.

She turned around to Jungkook to give him the game controller before her eyes met Irene's livid ones. With a frightened gulp, she got up from Jungkook's comfy chair. 'I'll sit on the bed this time' she smiled, walking a couple steps to his bed and sitting herself beside Irene.

Jungkook shrugged and placed himself back in to his cherished gaming chair, before starting a new game and focusing on the screen.

'Unnie, you alright?' Yeri asked innocently, offering a weak smile.

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